[random] 2x Off-Topic Ideas

So Google employee’s are required to take a break from work and experiment with anything they’re interested in (projects like gmail arose from this!). That was just a random side-note which may or may not be related to what’s below. This will probably be one of my more random posts on this blog.

RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
(Full Version)

Anyway, here’s some tmp stuff I don’t really need but I guess this can be considered a backup, who knows…

rm -fv /tmp/f15.*.list
(curl -s 'http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=arm.git;a=tree;f=stage3/armv7hl/SRPMS;hb=refs/heads/armv7hl' | tr -d '\t\r\n' | awk '{ gsub(/<tr/, "\n<tr"); gsub(/<\/tr/, "\n"); print; }' | grep -i '<td class="mode">' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' | awk '{ print $3 }') | tee /tmp/f15.git.src.list
(curl -s 'http://ausil.us/fedora-arm/mock/' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -i '.*/$' | while read line ; do test=`curl -s "http://ausil.us/fedora-arm/mock/$line" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -i '\.src\.rpm$'` ; if [ "$test" != "" ] ; then echo "$test" ; fi ; done) | tee /tmp/f15.dg.src.list
(curl -s 'http://ausil.us/fedora-arm/SRPMS/' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -i '\.src.rpm$') | tee /tmp/f15.dg.alt.list
(curl -s 'http://ausil.us/fedora-arm/noarch/' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -i '\.noarch.rpm$') | tee /tmp/f15.dg.noar.list
gunzip < /home/jchiappetta/Desktop/arm/styrene/misc-files/f15.db.gz > /tmp/f15.db
(cat /tmp/f15.*.list | sed -e 's/^\([^\.]*-[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)[0-9\.]*.*$/\1*/g' | ./styrene mark-pkg --state=1) | tee /tmp/f15.mark.log

	function webs($urls)
		$fobj = fopen($urls, "r");
		$page = "";
		while ($fobj && !feof($fobj))
			$page .= fgets($fobj, 4096);
		$page = str_replace("\t", "", $page);
		$page = str_replace("\r", "", $page);
		$page = str_replace("\n", "", $page);
		$page = preg_replace("/>[ ]*</", "><", $page);
		return $page;
	$urls = $_GET["page"];
	$pref = preg_replace("/^http:\/\//", "", $urls);
	$urls = ("http://".$pref);
	$root = ("http://".preg_replace("/\/.*$/", "", $pref));
	$dsts = webs($urls);
	$dsts = preg_replace("/href=(['\"])\//", "href=\\1".$root."/", $dsts);
	$dsts = str_replace("</li></ul></td></tr></table>", "</li></ul></td></tr></table>\n", $dsts);
	$dstl = explode("\n", $dsts);
	if (count($dstl) > 1)
		$rsss = webs("http://reddit.com/.rss");
		$rsss = str_replace("<item", "\n<item", $rsss);
		$rsss = str_replace("</item", "</item\n", $rsss);
		$rssl = explode("\n", $rsss);
		foreach ($rssl as $line)
			if (preg_match("/^<item.*$/", $line))
				$head = $line;
				$head = preg_replace("/^.*<title>/", "", $head);
				$head = preg_replace("/<\/title>.*$/", "", $head);
				$desc = $line;
				$desc = preg_replace("/^.*<description>/", "", $desc);
				$desc = preg_replace("/<\/description>.*$/", "", $desc);
				$dstl[0] .= ("<h2><span class=\"mw-headline\">".$head."</span></h2>");
				$desc = str_replace("&lt;", "<", $desc);
				$desc = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $desc);
				$desc = str_replace("&quot;", "\"", $desc);
				$dstl[0] .= $desc;
		echo $dstl[0].$dstl[1]."\n";

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