bn.c – A Basic Big Number/Integer Calculator

$ time ./bn.out

real	0m0.783s
user	0m0.774s
sys	0m0.005s
struct bigint {
	int sign, leng, size;
	unsigned int *nums;

#define bnum struct bigint

int min(int a, int b)
	if (a < b) { return a; }
	return b;

int max(int a, int b)
	if (a > b) { return a; }
	return b;

int oshift(char **a, int b, char c)
	// right shift string a ("234") and insert overflow char c ('1')
	int x, n = (b + 1);
	char *s = *a;
	s = realloc(s, n * sizeof(char));
	for (x = (n - 2); x > 0; --x) { s[x] = s[x - 1]; }
	s[0] = c; s[n - 1] = '\0';
	*a = s;
	return n;

char *bnstr(bnum *bint)
	int x, y, w, z, o, n;
	int r = 2, t = 2;
	char *result = malloc(r * sizeof(char));
	char *twos = malloc(t * sizeof(char));
	// result = 0
	result[0] = '0'; result[1] = '\0';
	// twos = 1
	twos[0] = '1'; twos[1] = '\0';
	// loop through the bn binary
	for (x = 0; x < bint->leng; ++x)
		for (y = 0; y < 32; ++y)
			// if bn binary[n] == 1 then add the 2^n to result
			if (((bint->nums[x] >> y) & 0x1) == 1)
				o = 0; w = (t - 2); z = (r - 2);
				// if the length of twos is bigger than length of result then realloc result
				if (t > r)
					result = realloc(result, t * sizeof(char));
					result[t - 1] = '\0';
					r = t;
				// add twos to result
				while ((w > -1) || (z > -1))
					int a = 0; if (w > -1) { a = (twos[w] - '0'); }
					int b = 0; if (z > -1) { b = (result[z] - '0'); }
					n = (a + b + o);
					result[w] = ('0' + (n % 10));
					o = (n / 10);
					--w; --z;
				if (o > 0) { r = oshift(&result, r, '0' + o); }
			// multiply twos * 2
			o = 0; w = (t - 2);
			while (w > -1)
				n = (o + ((twos[w] - '0') * 2));
				twos[w] = ('0' + (n % 10));
				o = (n / 10);
			if (o > 0) { t = oshift(&twos, t, '0' + o); }
	return result;

void bnout(char *s, bnum *p, char *t)
	char *o = bnstr(p);
	printf("%s[%d][%d][%d]=[%s]%s", s, p->sign, p->leng, p->size, o, t);

void bnzero(bnum *a)
	a->sign = 0;
	bzero(a->nums, a->size * sizeof(unsigned int));
	a->leng = 1;

void bncopy(bnum *src, bnum *dst)
	dst->sign = src->sign;
	bcopy(src->nums, dst->nums, src->leng * sizeof(unsigned int));
	dst->leng = src->leng;

void bnfree(bnum *bint)
	//todo:zero out all values

void bndfree(bnum **bint)

int bncmp(bnum *a, bnum *b)
	int x = (a->leng - 1), y = (b->leng - 1);
	while ((x > -1) && (a->nums[x] < 1)) { --x; }
	while ((y > -1) && (b->nums[y] < 1)) { --y; }
	if (x > y) { return 1; }
	if (y > x) { return -1; }
	while (x > -1)
		if (a->nums[x] > b->nums[x]) { return 1; }
		if (b->nums[x] > a->nums[x]) { return -1; }
	return 0;

int bnhigh(bnum *a)
	int x, y, f = 0, hib = -1;
	for (x = (a->leng - 1); (x > -1) && (f == 0); --x)
		for (y = 31; (y > -1) && (f == 0); --y)
			if (((a->nums[x] >> y) & 0x1) == 1)
				hib = ((x * 32) + y);
				f = 1;
	return hib;

void bnrshift(bnum *a, int s)
	int x, leng = 0, i = (s / 32);
	s = (s % 32);
	for (x = 0; x < (a->leng - i); ++x)
		if (i > 0)
			a->nums[x] = a->nums[x + i];
		if (s > 0)
			if (x > 0)
				a->nums[x - 1] = ((a->nums[x] << (32 - s)) | a->nums[x - 1]);
				if (a->nums[x - 1] > 0) { leng = x; }
			a->nums[x] = (a->nums[x] >> s);
		if (a->nums[x] > 0) { leng = (x + 1); }
	if (leng < 1)
		a->nums[0] = 0;
		leng = 1;
	a->leng = leng;

void bnlshift(bnum *a, int s)
	int x, o = 0, i = (s / 32);
	unsigned int over = (a->nums[a->leng - 1] >> (32 - (s % 32)));
	s = (s % 32);
	// check to see if the left shift will have any carry over bits
	if ((s > 0) && (over > 0)) { o = 1; }
	// pre adjust the size of the bn to hold the left shift bits
	if (a->size < (a->leng + o + i))
		a->size = (a->leng + o + i);
		a->nums = realloc(a->nums, a->size * sizeof(unsigned int));
	a->leng += (o + i);
	// shift the bits from left to right (last to first) minus the overflow spot
	for (x = (a->leng - o - 1); x > -1; --x)
		if (i > 0)
			if ((x - i) > -1) { a->nums[x] = a->nums[x - i]; }
			else { a->nums[x] = 0; }
		if (s > 0)
			if ((x + 1) < (a->leng - o)) { a->nums[x + 1] = (a->nums[x + 1] | (a->nums[x] >> (32 - s))); }
			a->nums[x] = (a->nums[x] << s);
	// if we have some overflow bits then set them last now
	if (o == 1) { a->nums[a->leng - 1] = over; }

bnum *bninit(int ssiz)
	int x;
	bnum *a = malloc(1 * sizeof(bnum));
	a->sign = 0; a->leng = 1, a->size = ssiz;
	a->nums = malloc(ssiz * sizeof(unsigned int));
	for (x = 0; x < ssiz; ++x) { a->nums[x] = 0; }
	return a;

bnum *bndup(bnum *a)
	int x;
	bnum *r = malloc(1 * sizeof(bnum));
	r->sign = a->sign; r->leng = a->leng; r->size = a->size;
	r->nums = malloc(a->size * sizeof(unsigned int));
	for (x = 0; x < a->size; ++x) { r->nums[x] = a->nums[x]; }
	return r;

bnum *bndec(char *decstr)
	int x, y, r, n;
	int i = 0;
	unsigned long m, l = strlen(decstr);
	char numstr[l + 1], outstr[l + 1];
	// result = 0
	bnum *result = bninit(1);
	// copy the input decimal string into a temp num str
	strncpy(numstr, decstr, l);
	numstr[l] = '\0';
	m = l;
	// while there are numbers left to be divided by 2
	while ((m > 1) || (numstr[0] > '0'))
		// if we are shifting above 32 bits then append a new bit block
		if (i > 31)
			result->leng += 1; result->size += 1;
			result->nums = realloc(result->nums, result->size * sizeof(unsigned int));
			result->nums[result->leng - 1] = 0;
			i = 0;
		// divide the number by 2 and store the result in a temp string
		r = 0;
		outstr[0] = '\0';
		for (x = 0, y = 0; (x < m) && (y < l); ++x, ++y)
			// get the last remainder and the current digit
			n = ((r * 10) + (numstr[x] - '0'));
			// if the digit num is less than the divider 2 then add on the next digit
			if ((n < 2) && ((x + 1) < m) && ((y + 1) < l))
				n = ((n * 10) + (numstr[x + 1] - '0'));
				if (y > 0) { outstr[y] = '0'; ++y; }
			// store the division and the remainder
			outstr[y] = ('0' + (n / 2));
			outstr[y + 1] = '\0';
			r = (n % 2);
		// save the binary result
		result->nums[result->leng - 1] = ((r << i) | result->nums[result->leng - 1]);
		// copy the divided result into the temp num str
		strncpy(numstr, outstr, l);
		numstr[y] = '\0';
		m = strlen(numstr);
	return result;

int bnsub(bnum *, bnum *, bnum *, int);

int bnadd(bnum *a, bnum *b, bnum *r, int s)
	int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, g = 0;
	unsigned int over = 0;
	if (s == 0)
		if ((a->sign == 0) && (b->sign == 1))
			b->sign = 0;
			bnsub(a, b, r, 0); g = r->sign;
			b->sign = 1;
			r->sign = g;
			return 0;
		else if ((a->sign == 1) && (b->sign == 0))
			a->sign = 0;
			bnsub(b, a, r, 0); g = r->sign;
			a->sign = 1;
			r->sign = g;
			return 0;
	while ((x < a->leng) || (y < b->leng))
		unsigned int c = 0; if (x < a->leng) { c = a->nums[x]; }
		unsigned int d = 0; if (y < b->leng) { d = b->nums[y]; }
		unsigned int lo = ((c & 0xffff) + (d & 0xffff) + (over & 0xffff));
		unsigned int hi = (((c >> 16) & 0xffff) + ((d >> 16) & 0xffff) + ((over >> 16) & 0xffff) + ((lo >> 16) & 0xffff));
		over = ((hi >> 16) & 0xffff);
		r->nums[z] = (((hi << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (lo & 0xffff));
		++x; ++y; ++z;
	if (over > 0) { r->nums[z] = over; ++z; }
	r->sign = (a->sign | b->sign);
	r->leng = z;
	return 1;

int bnsub(bnum *a, bnum *b, bnum *r, int s)
	int x = 0, y = 0;
	int n = 1, g = 0;
	bnum *t = a, *m = b, *temp;
	if (s == 0)
		if ((a->sign == 0) && (b->sign == 1))
			b->sign = 0;
			bnadd(a, b, r, 0); g = r->sign;
			b->sign = 1;
			r->sign = g;
			return 0;
		else if ((a->sign == 1) && (b->sign == 0))
			a->sign = 0;
			bnadd(a, b, r, 0);
			a->sign = 1;
			r->sign = 1;
			return 0;
		else if ((a->sign == 1) && (b->sign == 1))
			t = b; m = a;
		s = bncmp(t, m);
		if (s < 0)
			g = 1;
			temp = t;
			t = m;
			m = temp;
		else if (s == 0)
			r->sign = 0; r->leng = 1;
			r->nums[0] = 0;
			return 2;
	int indx = -1;
	unsigned int over = 0;
	while ((x < t->leng) || (y < m->leng))
		unsigned int c = 0; if (x < t->leng) { c = t->nums[x]; }
		unsigned int d = 0; if (y < m->leng) { d = m->nums[y]; }
		if (x == indx) { c = over; indx = -1; }
		if (c < d)
			int i = x, z;
			for (z = (x + 1); z < t->leng; ++z)
				if (t->nums[z] > 0)
					unsigned int hic = ((1 << 16) + (c >> 16)), loc = (c & 0xffff);
					unsigned int hid = (d >> 16)              , lod = (d & 0xffff);
					if (loc < lod) { hic -= 1; loc += (1 << 16); }
					r->nums[i] = (((hic - hid) << 16) + (loc - lod));
					indx = z; over = (t->nums[z] - 1);
					if (r->nums[i] > 0) { n = max(n, (i + 1)); }
				++x; ++y;
				if (y < m->leng) { r->nums[z] = (0xffffffff - m->nums[y]); }
				else { r->nums[z] = 0xffffffff; }
				if (r->nums[z] > 0) { n = max(n, (z + 1)); }
		else { r->nums[x] = (c - d); }
		if (r->nums[x] > 0) { n = max(n, (x + 1)); }
		++x; ++y;
	r->sign = g;
	r->leng = n;
	return 1;

void bnmul(bnum *a, bnum *b, bnum *r)
	int x, y;
	bnum *dub = bninit(r->size);
	bncopy(b, dub);
	for (x = 0; x < a->leng; ++x)
		for (y = 0; y < 32; ++y)
			if (((a->nums[x] >> y) & 0x1) == 1)
				bnadd(r, dub, r, 1);
			bnadd(dub, dub, dub, 1);
	r->sign = (a->sign ^ b->sign);

void bndiv(bnum *a, bnum *b, bnum *r, bnum *m)
	int s = 0, d = 0, c = bncmp(a, b);
	bnum *t = bninit(max(a->size, b->size) * 2);
	bncopy(a, t);
	r->nums[0] = 0; r->leng = 1;
	m->nums[0] = 0; m->leng = 1;
	if (c < 0)
		//printf("return <\n");
		r->nums[0] = 0; r->leng = 1;
		bncopy(a, m);
	else if (c == 0)
		//printf("return ==\n");
		r->nums[0] = 1; r->leng = 1;
		m->nums[0] = 0; m->leng = 1;
	else if ((b->leng == 1) && (b->nums[0] == 0))
		//printf("return /0!\n");
	else if (c > 0)
		int hir = 0;
		//printf("> right shift the number to match the divider\n");
		int hia = bnhigh(a), hib = bnhigh(b), hid = (hia - hib - 1);
		bnrshift(t, hid + 1);
		c = bncmp(t, b);
		if (c < 0) { s = 1; }
		while (1)
			if (s == 1)
				//printf("equal bit length but number < divider\n");
				int abyte = (hid / 32), abit = (hid % 32);
				int bitv = ((a->nums[abyte] & (1 << abit)) >> abit);
				bnlshift(t, 1); t->nums[0] |= bitv;
				if (d > 0) { bnlshift(r, 1); ++hir; }
			s = 0;
			//printf("substract num - div and shift 1 into result\n");
			bnsub(t, b, t, 1);
			bnlshift(r, 1); r->nums[0] |= 1; ++hir;
			int hit = bnhigh(t);
			d = 0;
			while ((hit < hib) && (hid > -1))
				int abyte = (hid / 32), abit = (hid % 32);
				int diff = min(hib - hit, 32);
				if ((hid + 1) >= diff)
					//printf("large: shift another bit into the number to match the divider\n");
					hid -= (diff - 1);
					int bbyte = (hid / 32), bbit = (hid % 32);
					bnlshift(t, diff);
					t->nums[0] = (t->nums[0] | ((a->nums[abyte] << (31 - abit)) >> (32 - diff)));
					if (abyte != bbyte) { t->nums[0] = (t->nums[0] | (a->nums[bbyte] >> bbit)); }
					d += diff;
					//printf("small: shift another bit into the number to match the divider\n");
					int bitv = ((a->nums[abyte] & (1 << abit)) >> abit);
					bnlshift(t, 1); t->nums[0] |= bitv;
				hit = bnhigh(t);
			if (d > 1) { bnlshift(r, d - 1); hir += (d - 1); }
			//printf("check resulting number and break if done dividing else repeat\n");
			c = bncmp(t, b);
			if (c < 0)
				if (hid < 0)
					//printf("exiting <\n");
					if (d > 0) { bnlshift(r, 1); ++hir; }
					bncopy(t, m);
				s = 1;
			else if (c == 0)
				if (hid < 0)
					//printf("exiting ==\n");
					bnlshift(r, 1); r->nums[0] |= 1; ++hir;
	r->sign = (a->sign ^ b->sign);
	m->sign = r->sign;

void bnpowmod(bnum *b, bnum *e, bnum *m, bnum *r)
	int s = max(max(b->size, e->size), max(m->size, r->size));
	bnum *t = bninit(s * 3), *u = bninit(s * 3);
	bnum *base = bninit(s * 3), *exp = bninit(s * 3);
	bncopy(b, base); bncopy(e, exp);
	r->nums[0] = 1; r->leng = 1;
	while ((exp->leng > 1) || (exp->nums[0] > 0))
		if ((exp->nums[0] % 2) == 1)
			// r = r * base
			bnzero(t); bnmul(r, base, t);
			// r = r % m
			bndiv(t, m, u, r);
		// exp = exp / 2
		bnrshift(exp, 1);
		// b = b * b
		bnzero(t); bnmul(base, base, t);
		// b = b % m
		bndiv(t, m, u, base);
	// free the rest
	bnfree(base); bnfree(exp);
	bnfree(t); bnfree(u);

Helping people study – my recurring job in life (Python, Classes, LinkedLists, QuickSort, BinarySearch)

$ python 
  {'last': 'Chiappetta', 'user': 'johnny', 'key': 'abcxyz', 'first': 'Jonathan'}
  {'last': 'Dada', 'user': 'zdada', 'key': 'iowa', 'first': 'Zain'}
  {'last': 'Xray', 'user': 'yx', 'key': 'xy', 'first': 'Yvan'}
  {'last': 'Bob', 'user': 'abob', 'key': 'zyxcba', 'first': 'Alex'}
  {'last': 'Bob', 'user': 'bchar', 'key': 'hmmm', 'first': 'Charlie'}
  {'last': 'Bob', 'user': 'abob', 'key': 'zyxcba', 'first': 'Alex'}
  {'last': 'Bob', 'user': 'bchar', 'key': 'hmmm', 'first': 'Charlie'}
  {'last': 'Chiappetta', 'user': 'johnny', 'key': 'abcxyz', 'first': 'Jonathan'}
  {'last': 'Xray', 'user': 'yx', 'key': 'xy', 'first': 'Yvan'}
  {'last': 'Dada', 'user': 'zdada', 'key': 'iowa', 'first': 'Zain'}
('Search=Dave:', None)
('Search=Jon:', {'last': 'Chiappetta', 'user': 'johnny', 'key': 'abcxyz', 'first': 'Jonathan'})
('Search=J Chi:', {'last': 'Chiappetta', 'user': 'johnny', 'key': 'abcxyz', 'first': 'Jonathan'})
('Search=J Chip:', None)
class contact:
	def __init__(self, firstName, lastName, username, pubKey): = {"first":firstName, "last":lastName, "user":username, "key":pubKey} = None
	def getData(self):
	def setData(self, dataContact): = dataContact
	def getNext(self):
	def setNext(self, nextContact): = nextContact

class contactList:
	def __init__(self):
		self.head = None
	def append(self, contact):
		if (self.head == None):
			self.head = contact
			temp = self.head
			while (temp.getNext() != None):
				temp = temp.getNext()
	def get(self):
		contacts = ""
		temp = self.head
		while (temp != None):
			contacts += ("  " + str(temp.getData()) + "\n")
			temp = temp.getNext()
		return ("[\n" + contacts + "]")
	def leng(self):
		indx = 0
		temp = self.head
		while (temp != None):
			indx += 1
			temp = temp.getNext()
		return indx
	def getin(self, gind):
		indx = 0
		temp = self.head
		while (temp != None):
			if (indx == gind):
				return temp
			temp = temp.getNext()
			indx += 1
		return None
	def swap(self, a, b):
		ac = self.getin(a)
		bc = self.getin(b)
		temp = ac.getData()
	def sort(self, beg=-1, end=-1):
		if (beg < 0):
			beg = 0
		if (end < 0):
			end = self.leng()
		if ((end - beg) < 2):
			return 0
		# todo: use head && next instead of index lookup
		pivot = beg
		p = self.getin(pivot)
		z = p.getData()
		indx = (pivot + 1)
		hi = -1
		while (indx < end):
			a = self.getin(indx)
			b = a.getData()
			if ((b["first"] + b["last"]) < (z["first"] + z["last"])):
				if (hi > -1):
					self.swap(hi, indx)
					hi += 1
				if (hi < 0):
					hi = indx
			indx += 1
		if (hi < 0):
			hi = (end - 1)
		elif (hi > 0):
			hi = (hi - 1)
		self.swap(pivot, hi)
		self.sort(beg, hi)
		self.sort(hi + 1, end)
	def search(self, fullname, beg=-1, end=-1):
		if (beg < 0):
			beg = 0
		if (end < 0):
			end = self.leng()
		if ((end - beg) < 1):
			return None
		fulllist = fullname.split(" ")
		first = fulllist[0]; flen = len(first)
		last = fulllist[1]; llen = len(last)
		mid = (((end - beg) / 2) + beg)
		mc = self.getin(mid)
		md = mc.getData()
		fname = md["first"][:flen]
		lname = md["last"][:llen]
		if ((fname == first) and (lname == last)):
			return mc
		if ((fname > first) or (lname > last)):
			end = (mid - 1)
			mid = -1
		elif ((fname < first) or (lname < last)):
			beg = (mid + 1)
			mid = -1
		if (mid != -1):
			return None
		return, beg=beg, end=end)

def main():
	contactBook = contactList()
	newContact = contact("Jonathan", "Chiappetta", "johnny", "abcxyz")
	newContact = contact("Zain", "Dada", "zdada", "iowa")
	newContact = contact("Yvan", "Xray", "yx", "xy")
	newContact = contact("Alex", "Bob", "abob", "zyxcba")
	newContact = contact("Charlie", "Bob", "bchar", "hmmm")
	print("Unsorted:" + contactBook.get())
	print("Sorted:" + contactBook.get())
	print("Search=J Chi:","J Chi").getData())
	print("Search=J Chip:","J Chip"))

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

AES 256 CTR Mode Hash Function

Proof of concept, do not use, just for theory!

With the recent news of SHA1 everybody should be switching to SHA2 or SHA3 by now. I tried turning AES 256 in CTR mode into a 256 bit hash function by XORing the encrypted outputs together. For example, splitting your message into 32 byte blocks and using it as the keys (m0, m1, …, mN):

hash(m) = [AES256(nonce || counter0, m0) || AES256(nonce || counter1, m0)]
XOR [AES256(nonce || counter2, m1) || AES256(nonce || counter3, m1)]
XOR [AES256(nonce || counterN, mN) || AES256(nonce || counterO, mN)]
('test', '8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089')
('', '09975b45dc8ecebd1519328dbec1c54d66b7fa7a2a4b762368497f81d864819b')
('a', 'c458ace20dc6458d6e589dbf0e560cbcad5b482e5934a86b6e98202a6cd5a6d5')
('abc', '304dfabb945406b40d53160080d078a1a0e5f8330263f578725ecfbccbb2c0ad')
('cba', '76cdfb5e58e06b5bf191656986aa35e405d3f582f307ea3847fe2a48136bf34e')
('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', '205639b3097f25a1c3a7bee4a3a66c4c3786129dd92c57fdddafc81568ab66f5')
('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy eog', '3a7a025b5eb99f93caffd09331786cf6a15e1cb5bf41ae68342ea6b2208cf539')
import sys

def subbytes(matrix):
	sbox = [0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76,
		0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0,
		0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15,
		0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75,
		0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84,
		0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF,
		0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8,
		0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2,
		0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73,
		0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB,
		0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79,
		0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08,
		0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A,
		0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E,
		0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF,
		0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16
	for i in range(0, len(matrix)):
		matrix[i] = sbox[matrix[i]]
	return matrix

def transform(matrix):
	t = []
	y = 0
	for x in range(0, 16):
		z = (x % 4)
		if ((x > 0) and (z == 0)):
			y += 1
		t.append(matrix[(z * 4) + y])
	return t

def shiftrows(matrix):
	val = matrix.pop(4)
	matrix.insert(7, val)
	# end row 1
	val = matrix.pop(8)
	matrix.insert(11, val)
	val = matrix.pop(8)
	matrix.insert(11, val)
	# end row 2
	val = matrix.pop(15)
	matrix.insert(12, val)
	# end row 3
	return matrix

def gmul(a, b):
	p = 0
	for c in range(0, 8):
		if ((b & 1) != 0):
			p = (p ^ a)
		hi_bit_set = (a & 0x80)
		a = ((a << 1) & 0xff)
		if (hi_bit_set != 0):
			a = (a ^ 0x1b)
		b = (b >> 1)
	return p

def mixcols(s):
	t = []
	for c in range(0, 16):
	for c in range(0, 4):
		t[c +  0] = (gmul(0x02, s[c + 0]) ^ gmul(0x03, s[c + 4]) ^ s[c + 8] ^ s[c + 12]);
		t[c +  4] = (s[c + 0] ^ gmul(0x02, s[c + 4]) ^ gmul(0x03, s[c + 8]) ^ s[c + 12]);
		t[c +  8] = (s[c + 0] ^ s[c + 4] ^ gmul(0x02, s[c + 8]) ^ gmul(0x03, s[c + 12]));
		t[c + 12] = (gmul(0x03, s[c + 0]) ^ s[c + 4] ^ s[c + 8] ^ gmul(0x02, s[c + 12]));
	return t

def addkey(matrix, keyval):
	for i in range(0, 16):
		matrix[i] = (matrix[i] ^ keyval[i])
	return matrix

def rcon(ind):
	c = 1
	if (ind == 0):
		return 0
	while (ind != 1):
		c = gmul(c, 2)
		ind -= 1
	return c

def keycore(subkey, i):
	val = subkey.pop(0)
	subkey = subbytes(subkey)
	subkey[0] = (subkey[0] ^ rcon(i))
	return subkey

def keyexp(matrix):
	c = 32
	i = 1
	t = [0, 0, 0, 0]
	while (c < 240):
		for a in range(0, 4):
			t[a] = matrix[a + c - 4]
		if ((c % 32) == 0):
			t = keycore(t, i)
			i += 1
		if ((c % 32) == 16):
			t = subbytes(t)
		for a in range(0, 4):
			if (c >= len(matrix)):
			matrix[c] = (matrix[c - 32] ^ t[a])
			c += 1
	return matrix

def hexout(matrix):
	o = ""
	for d in matrix:
		h = hex(d)
		h = str(h)
		h = h[2:]
		if (len(h) < 2):
			h = ("0" + h)
		o += h
	return o

def aescoree(msg, key):
	out = []
	t = []
	i = 0
	l = len(key)
	for x in range(0, 32):
		if (i < l):
			t[x] = ord(key[i])
			i += 1
	keyval = keyexp(t)
	i = 0
	l = len(msg)
	while (i < l):
		input = []
		for x in range(0, 16):
		for x in range(0, 16):
			if (i < l):
				input[x] = ord(msg[i])
				i += 1
		for r in range(0, 15):
			if (r == 0):
				input = addkey(input, keyval[r*16:])
			if (r > 0):
				input = subbytes(input)
				input = transform(input)
				input = shiftrows(input)
				if (r < 14):
					input = mixcols(input)
				input = transform(input)
			if ((r > 0) and (r < 15)):
				input = addkey(input, keyval[r*16:])
		for o in input:
	return out

def aesctr_hash(message):
	x = 0
	l = len(message)
	n = 0
	h = []
	c = "aesctrhash31337!"
	d = 0
	for e in c:
		d = ((d << 8) + ord(e))
	while ((x == 0) or (x < l)):
		u = ((d + n) & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff); n += 1
		v = ((d + n) & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff); n += 1
		r = ""
		s = ""
		while (u > 0):
			r = (chr(u & 0xff) + r)
			u = (u >> 8)
		while (v > 0):
			s = (chr(v & 0xff) + s)
			v = (v >> 8)
		m = message[x:x+32]
		a = aescoree(r, m)
		b = aescoree(s, m)
		t = (a + b)
		if (x == 0):
			h = t
			for i in range(0, 32):
				h[i] = (h[i] ^ t[i])
		x += 32
	print(message, hexout(h))
	return h

print("test", hexout(aescoree("\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff", "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f")))
aesctr_hash("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
aesctr_hash("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy eog")

The Monty Hall Problem

I was watching MythBusters and they visited this problem which at Seneca we discussed briefly as well (I might have done this one before but thought I’d repost it anyway):

  1. There are 3 doors, 2 are losers and 1 is a winner
  2. You pick a door (2/3 chance it’s a loser)
  3. They show you the other loser door (leaving the winner door [1/3 chance] and the loser door [2/3 chance])
  4. You decide to switch your door (since it was 2/3 likely you originally chose a losing door and they took the other losing door away, switching increases your odds since the other door is likely to be the winner door)
  5. You win! (still a small chance of losing though)

$ python 0 100 1

('Doors:', {1: 'win', 2: 'lose', 3: 'lose'})
('Pick:', 1, 'win')
('Show:', 2, 'lose')
('Final:', 1, 'win')

('Doors:', {1: 'lose', 2: 'lose', 3: 'win'})
('Pick:', 2, 'lose')
('Show:', 1, 'lose')
('Final:', 2, 'lose')

('Doors:', {1: 'lose', 2: 'lose', 3: 'win'})
('Pick:', 1, 'lose')
('Show:', 2, 'lose')
('Final:', 1, 'lose')

('Wins:', 32, '/', 100, '=', 0.32)

$ python 1 100 1

('Doors:', {1: 'lose', 2: 'win', 3: 'lose'})
('Pick:', 2, 'win')
('Show:', 1, 'lose')
('Switching:', 2, 'to', 3)
('Final:', 3, 'lose')

('Doors:', {1: 'lose', 2: 'win', 3: 'lose'})
('Pick:', 3, 'lose')
('Show:', 1, 'lose')
('Switching:', 3, 'to', 2)
('Final:', 2, 'win')

('Doors:', {1: 'lose', 2: 'win', 3: 'lose'})
('Pick:', 1, 'lose')
('Show:', 3, 'lose')
('Switching:', 1, 'to', 2)
('Final:', 2, 'win')

('Wins:', 74, '/', 100, '=', 0.74)
import random
import sys
	switch = int(sys.argv[1])
	switch = 0
	rounds = int(sys.argv[2])
	rounds = 0
	debug = int(sys.argv[3])
	debug = 0
wins = 0
for x in range(0, rounds):
	doors = ["lose", "lose", "win"]
	doors = {1:doors[0], 2:doors[1], 3:doors[2]}
	if (debug != 0):
		print("Doors:", doors)
	pick = random.randint(1, 3)
	if (debug != 0):
		print("Pick:", pick, doors[pick])
	show = 1
	for k in doors.keys():
		if ((k != pick) and (doors[k] == "lose")):
			show = k
	if (debug != 0):
		print("Show:", show, doors[show])
	if (switch != 0):
		for k in doors.keys():
			if ((k != pick) and (k != show)):
				other = k
		print("Switching:", pick, "to", other)
		pick = other
	print("Final:", pick, doors[pick])
	if (doors[pick] != "lose"):
		wins += 1
	if (debug != 0):
print("Wins:", wins, "/", rounds, "=", float(wins) / float(rounds))

My first “hardware” creation

I normally write about code I find interesting but I got bored at home and decided to make something new and different (for me anyways) [a little Knex V4 engine, no camshaft]:

Updated the crankshaft again to be more realistic:

Updated the crankshaft to run a bit smoother:

Original post:

Numerical divider function

def div(num, den):
	s = str(num); o = ""
	x = 0; l = len(s)
	f = 0; t = []
	while (x < l):
		d = int(s[x]); p = o
		while (d < den):
			if ((x + 1) < l):
				d = ((d * 10) + int(s[x + 1]))
				x += 1
				if (p == ""):
					p += "0"
				if (not "." in p):
					p += "."
					f = len(p)
				d = (d * 10)
				if (d < den):
					p += "0"
		i = (d / den)
		r = (i * den)
		if (f > 0):
			if (d in t):
				p = o[f+t.index(d):]
		o = (p + str(i)); p = ""
		if (r != d):
			s = str(d - r)
			x = 0; l = len(s)
			x += 1
	if (p == ""):
		p = "0"
	print(str(num) + " / " + str(den) + " = " + o + " (" + p + ") ")
div(2, 4)
div(7, 22)
div(1, 999)
div(22, 7)
div(1, 3)

2 / 4 = 0.5 (0) 
7 / 22 = 0.318 (18) 
1 / 999 = 0.001 (001) 
22 / 7 = 3.142857 (142857) 
1 / 3 = 0.3 (3) 

[boredness] ARC4-drop[8192] cipher based on ROT(256) instead of XOR – don’t ask why! :)
import sys
def ksa(key):
	s = []
	for i in range(0, 256):
	j = 0
	for i in range(0, 256):
		j = ((j + s[i] + ord(key[i % len(key)])) % 256)
		t = s[i]
		s[i] = s[j]
		s[j] = t
	return s
def rot(inp, num):
	t = (inp + num)
	while (t > 255):
		t = (t % 256)
	while (t < 0):
		t = (t + 256)
	return t
def cipher(inp, key, dir):
	i = 0
	j = 0
	x = 0
	s = ksa(key)
	o = ""
	while (x < 8192):
		i = ((i + 1) % 256)
		j = ((j + s[i]) % 256)
		t = s[i]
		s[i] = s[j]
		s[j] = t
		x += 1
	x = 0
	while (x < len(inp)):
		i = ((i + 1) % 256)
		j = ((j + s[i]) % 256)
		t = s[i]
		s[i] = s[j]
		s[j] = t
		k = s[(s[i] + s[j]) % 256]
		o = (o + chr(rot(ord(inp[x]), dir * k)))
		x += 1
	return o
sys.stdout.write(cipher(, sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2])))

$ echo "secret messageAAAA" | python "secret kez" "1" | hexdump -C
00000000  0c 06 1d 6c 9f 24 cb 6e  10 5f 5d 87 10 2e 2b 9a  |...l.$.n._]...+.|
00000010  90 1c b2                                          |...|
$ echo "secret messageAAAA" | python "secret kez" "1" | python "secret kez" "-1"
secret messageAAAA

A small simple SSH log watcher && iptables blocker in Python

TRYNUMB = 10#x
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
os.system("iptables -F INPUT")
p = subprocess.Popen(["tail", "-n", "0", "-f", sys.argv[1]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
h = {}
def chek(i, t):
	s = int(time.time())
	d = pow(2, i[2] - 1)
	if (i[3] > 1):
		return 2
	if ((i[1] > 0) and (i[2] > 0) and (i[3] > 0) and ((s - i[0]) >= (t * d))):
		return 1
	return 0
while (1):
	q = os.fork()
	if (q == 0):
		while (1):
			s = int(time.time())
			for a in h.keys():
				if (chek(h[a], DROPTIME) == 1):
					c = ("iptables -D INPUT -s '%s' -j DROP > /dev/null 2>&1 ; #for %ds" % (a, DROPTIME * pow(2, h[a][2] - 1)))
					del h[a]
		s = int(time.time())
		for a in h.keys():
			if (chek(h[a], DROPTIME) == 1):
				h[a][3] = 2
				h[a][0] = s
			if (h[a][3] != 1):
				if ((s - h[a][0]) > TRYTIME):
					h[a][1] = max(0, h[a][1] - int((s - h[a][0]) / TRYTIME))
					h[a][0] = s
				if (h[a][1] < 1):
					del h[a]
		l = p.stdout.readline().strip()
		r = re.match("^.*sshd.*fail.*[^0-9]([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*$", l, re.I)
		if (r):
			a = str(
			s = int(time.time())
			if (not a in h.keys()):
				h[a] = [s, 0, 0, 0];#address-string->[last-time,try-number,block-number,state-flag]
			if ((s - h[a][0]) <= TRYTIME):
				h[a][1] += 1
			if ((s - h[a][0]) > TRYTIME):
				h[a][1] = max(1, h[a][1] - int((s - h[a][0]) / TRYTIME))
			if (h[a][1] >= TRYNUMB):
				h[a][1] = (int(TRYNUMB / 2) + 1)
				h[a][2] += 1
				h[a][3] = 1
				c = ("iptables -A INPUT -s '%s' -j DROP ; #for %ds" % (a, DROPTIME * pow(2, h[a][2] - 1)))
			h[a][0] = s
			os.kill(q, signal.SIGKILL)
			os.waitpid(q, 0)

python /var/log/auth.log

('+', 1412665540, '', [1412665540, 1, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665542, '', [1412665540, 2, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665544, '', [1412665542, 3, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665545, '', [1412665544, 4, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665546, '', [1412665545, 5, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665547, '', [1412665546, 6, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665548, '', [1412665547, 7, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665549, '', [1412665548, 8, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665551, '', [1412665549, 9, 0, 0])
('+', 1412665552, '', [1412665551, 10, 0, 0])
('add', 1412665552, "iptables -A INPUT -s '' -j DROP ; #for 60s")

New Buffalo DD-WRT Config && nix box && dnsmasq-dhcpd-tftpd-pxe

I got a new router (for use with Comcast) and I found a Buffalo one at Frys which runs full DD-WRT. Here is some sample configurations I’m using on it at the moment:

  • Home Network Goals: (w/ magic help from AP isolation mode)
    • Auths to FreeRADIUS with EAP-TTLS-MSCHAPv2 WPA2-CCMP-AES
    • Blocks ARP replies not from the correct modem/server/wifi
    • Blocks DHCP replies coming in from the wifi lan
    • Maps/learns/watches/monitors ARP replies from the correct clients
    • Supports IPv6 wan with the same requirements as above for IPv4


import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import time
os.system("rm -fv /root/icmp*")
os.system("tcpdump -lnni br0 icmp6 -s65535 -C 1 -W 3 -w /root/icmp6 &")
hist = []
while (1):
	pids = []
	for x in range(0, 10):
		pobj = subprocess.Popen(["tcpdump", "-lnnr", "/root/icmp6"+str(x)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
		plis = pobj.stdout.readlines()
		for line in plis:
			line = line.strip()
			indx = line.find("who has 2601:9:3400:aa9:1337:")
			if ((indx > -1) and (not line in hist)):
				addr = re.sub("[^0-9A-Fa-f:]+.*$", "", line[indx+8:])
				neih = subprocess.check_output(["ip", "-6", "neigh", "show"])
				if (not addr in neih):
					pidn = os.fork()
					if (pidn == 0):
						os.system("ip -6 addr add '"+addr+"/128' dev br0 ; sleep 3 ; ip -6 addr del '"+addr+"/128' dev br0")
	while (len(hist) > 1000000):
	for pidn in pids:
			os.waitpid(pidn, 0)
while true
	cat /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases | while read line
		m=`echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2 }'`
		i=`echo "$line" | awk '{ print $3 }'`
		c=`echo "$i" | grep -i '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*'`
		if [ "$c" == "" ]
		arp -s "$i" "$m"
	sleep 5

echo > /etc/resolv.conf
echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0 eth2

ip link set dev br0 up
ip link set dev eth0 up
ip link set dev eth1 up
ip link set dev eth2 up

iptables -F ; iptables -X
iptables -F -t nat ; iptables -X -t nat

ip address add dev br0
ip route add via

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o br0 -s -j SNAT --to

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ip6tables -F ; ip6tables -X
ip6tables -F -t nat ; ip6tables -X -t nat

ip -6 address add 2601:9:3400:aa9::1337/80 dev br0
ip -6 route add ::/0 via 2601:9:3400:aa9::1

ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o br0 -s 1337:1337:1337:1337::/64 -j SNAT --to 1337:1337:1337:1337::1337

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding

ip address add dev eth1
ip -6 address add 2601:9:3400:aa9:1337::1337/80 dev eth1

cat > /etc/dns.cfg << EOF

killall tcpdump ; killall tcpdump
killall python ; killall python

/usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /etc/dns.cfg
/bin/bash /root/ &
/usr/bin/python /root/ &

echo > /etc/resolv.conf
echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf

ifconfig br0 2601:9:3400:aa9:1337::7331/80 up
ifconfig vlan4 2601:9:3400:aa9::7331/80 up

route -A inet6 add ::/0 gw 2601:9:3400:aa9:1337::1337

ebtables -F ; ebtables -X
ebtables -t nat -F ; ebtables -t nat -X

iptables -F ; iptables -X
iptables -t nat -F ; iptables -t nat -X
#pxe server install

curl -sL '' > dns.tgz
tar -xzvf dns.tgz
cd dnsmasq*
make ; ( echo 'dhcp-leasefile=/tmp/dnsmasq.leases' ; echo 'dhcp-range=,,,1h' ; echo 'dhcp-option=3,' ; echo 'dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0' ; echo 'enable-tftp' ; echo 'tftp-root=/tmp/tftpd' ) > dns.cfg
mkdir -p /tmp/tftpd

curl -sL '' > /tmp/tftpd/pxeboot ; curl -sL '' > /tmp/tftpd/bsd.rd
cp /tmp/tftpd/bsd.rd /tmp/tftpd/bsd

curl -sL '' > /tmp/tftpd/netboot.tar.gz
tar -xzvf /tmp/tftpd/netboot.tar.gz -C /tmp/tftpd/ ; cp -frv /tmp/tftpd/debian-installer/amd64/* /tmp/tftpd/

#sudo ifconfig en4 inet netmask up
sudo killall dnsmasq
sudo ./src/dnsmasq -C ./dns.cfg

Static Secure ARP UDP Broadcast Client/Server







arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -static -march=armv7 -o arp.arm arp.c ; chmod 700 arp.arm

./arp.arm "s" "br0" "/jffs/etc/freeradius/users" "" ""

gcc -Wall -o arp.xes arp.c ; chmod 700 arp.xes

read -p "pwd: " -s p ; echo ; echo "$p" | ./arp.xes "c" "en0"


#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "sha256.c"

typedef struct userinfo {
	char *i;
	unsigned long t, l, a;
} infodata;

void strp(char *cstr, int clen)
	cstr[clen] = '\0';
	while ((clen > 0) && ((cstr[clen-1] == '\r') || (cstr[clen-1] == '\n')))
	cstr[clen] = '\0';

void safe(char *cstr)
	char *chrs = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef.:";
	int x, y, l = strlen(cstr), m = strlen(chrs), flag;
	for (x = 0; x < l; ++x)
		flag = 0;
		for (y = 0; y < m; ++y)
			if (chrs[y] == cstr[x])
				flag = 1;
		if (flag == 0)
			cstr[x] = '0';

unsigned long ipvf(char *addr)
	unsigned long i = 0;
	char *p = NULL, *a = strdup(addr), *t = a;
	while (1)
		p = strchr(a, '.');
		if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; }
		i = ((i << 8) + atoi(a));
		a = (p + 1);
		if (p == NULL) { break; }
	return i;

int sign(char *pmsg, int size, unsigned long pres, char *skey)
	int x;
	char hash[SHA256_LENGTH*4];
	unsigned char hout[SHA256_LENGTH];
	SHA256_CTX hobj;
	snprintf(&(pmsg[strlen(pmsg)]), (size / 4) * sizeof(char), " %ld %s", pres, skey);
	SHA256_UPDATE(&hobj, (unsigned char *)pmsg, strlen(pmsg));
	SHA256_FINAL(&hobj, hout);
	for (x = 0; x < SHA256_LENGTH; ++x)
		sprintf(&(hash[x*2]), "%02x", hout[x]);
	hash[SHA256_LENGTH*2] = '\0';
	char *rptr = strrchr(pmsg, ' ');
	strcpy(rptr, hash);
	rptr[SHA256_LENGTH*2] = '\0';
	return 0;

int vrfy(char *pmsg, int size, char *skey, char *sign, unsigned long rate, unsigned long pres, unsigned long last)
	int x;
	char hash[SHA256_LENGTH*4];
	unsigned char hout[SHA256_LENGTH];
	SHA256_CTX hobj;
	snprintf(&(pmsg[strlen(pmsg)]), (size / 4) * sizeof(char), " %ld %s", pres, skey);
	SHA256_UPDATE(&hobj, (unsigned char *)pmsg, strlen(pmsg));
	SHA256_FINAL(&hobj, hout);
	for (x = 0; x < SHA256_LENGTH; ++x)
		sprintf(&(hash[x*2]), "%02x", hout[x]);
	hash[SHA256_LENGTH*2] = '\0';
	if (strcmp(hash, sign) != 0) { return -1; }
	if ((time(NULL) - rate) < 3) { return -1; }
	if (pres <= last) { return -1; }
	return 0;

int find(infodata *objs, int l, char *i)
	int x;
	for (x = 0; x < l; ++x)
		if (objs[x].i == NULL) { objs[x].i = strdup(i); return x; }
		if (strcmp(objs[x].i, i) == 0) { return x; }
	return -1;

int uniq(infodata *objs, int l, int i, unsigned long a)
	int x;
	for (x = 0; x < l; ++x)
		if ((x != i) && (objs[x].a == a))
			return x;
	objs[i].a = a;
	return -1;

char *gnet(char *intf, char mode)
	char *info = "ifconfig '%s' | sed -e 's/HWaddr/ether/g' -e 's/addr://g' -e 's/Bcast:/broadcast /g' | %s > /tmp/";
	char *inet = "grep -i 'inet ' | sed -e 's/^.*inet[ ]*\\([^ ]*\\).*$/\\1/g'";
	char *maca = "grep -i 'ether ' | sed -e 's/^.*ether[ ]*\\([^ ]*\\).*$/\\1/g'";
	char *brod = "grep -i 'broadcast ' | sed -e 's/^.*broadcast[ ]*\\([^ ]*\\).*$/\\1/g'";
	char comd[2048];
	FILE *fobj;
	bzero(comd, 2048 * sizeof(char));
	if (mode == 'i') { snprintf(comd, 1024 * sizeof(char), info, intf, inet); }
	if (mode == 'm') { snprintf(comd, 1024 * sizeof(char), info, intf, maca); }
	if (mode == 'b') { snprintf(comd, 1024 * sizeof(char), info, intf, brod); }
	fobj = fopen("/tmp/", "r");
	bzero(comd, 2048 * sizeof(char));
	fgets(comd, 1024 * sizeof(char), fobj);
	strp(comd, strlen(comd));
	return strdup(comd);

void serv(char **args)
	/* note: 256 ip address range limit */
	int x, y, rlen, sock, bron = 1;
	unsigned long aadr = ipvf(args[4]), badr = ipvf(args[5]), secs;
	char *iadr = gnet(args[2], 'i'), *madr = gnet(args[2], 'm');
	char pass[2048], mesg[2048], temp[2048], sarp[2048];
	infodata last[256];
	FILE *fobj;
	socklen_t slen;
	struct sockaddr_in sobj, cobj;
	for (x = 0; x < 256; ++x)
		last[x].i = NULL; last[x].a = 0;
		last[x].t = time(NULL); last[x].l = 0;
	sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &bron, sizeof(bron));
	bzero(&sobj, sizeof(sobj));
	sobj.sin_family = AF_INET;
	sobj.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
	sobj.sin_port = htons(31337);
	bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sobj, sizeof(sobj));
	while (1)
		slen = sizeof(cobj);
		rlen = recvfrom(sock, mesg, 1024 * sizeof(char), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&cobj, &slen);
		strp(mesg, rlen);
		char *hptr = strrchr(mesg, ' '); if (hptr == NULL) { continue; }
		*hptr = '\0'; ++hptr;
		char *tptr = strrchr(mesg, ' '); if (tptr == NULL) { continue; }
		*tptr = '\0'; ++tptr;
		char *mptr = strrchr(mesg, ' '); if (mptr == NULL) { continue; }
		*mptr = '\0'; ++mptr;
		char *iptr = mesg;
		fobj = fopen(args[3], "r");
		while (1)
			bzero(pass, 2048 * sizeof(char));
			if (fgets(pass, 1024 * sizeof(char), fobj) == NULL) { break; }
			/* note: passwords can not repeat or contain quotes */
			if (strstr(pass, "Cleartext-Password") == NULL) { continue; }
			char *aptr = strchr(pass, '"'); if (aptr == NULL) { continue; }
			char *bptr = strchr(aptr, '"'); if (bptr == NULL) { continue; }
			*bptr = '\0';
			y = find(last, 256, aptr);
			if (y < 0) { continue; }
			bzero(temp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
			snprintf(temp, 1024 * sizeof(char), "%s %s", iptr, mptr);
			secs = atoi(tptr);
			if (vrfy(temp, 2048, aptr, hptr, last[y].t, secs, last[y].l) == 0)
				last[y].t = time(NULL); last[y].l = secs;
				safe(iptr); safe(mptr);
				if (uniq(last, 256, y, ipvf(iptr)) < 0)
					if ((aadr <= last[y].a) && (last[y].a <= badr))
						bzero(sarp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
						snprintf(sarp, 1024 * sizeof(char), "arp -d '%s'", iptr);
						printf("exec=[%s]\n", sarp);
						bzero(sarp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
						snprintf(sarp, 1024 * sizeof(char), "arp -s '%s' '%s'", iptr, mptr);
						printf("exec=[%s]\n", sarp);
						bzero(sarp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
						snprintf(sarp, 1024 * sizeof(char), "%s %s", iadr, madr);
						sign(sarp, 2048, secs + 1, aptr);
						sendto(sock, sarp, strlen(sarp) * sizeof(char), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&cobj, sizeof(cobj));
						printf("sent=[%s]\n", sarp);
						printf("erro=[range: %ld <= %ld <= %ld]\n", aadr, last[y].a, badr);
					printf("erro=[uniq: %ld]\n", ipvf(iptr));
				temp[30] = '\0';
				//printf("erro=[vrfy: (%s...) (%s) (%ld) (%ld)]\n", temp, hptr, secs, last[y].l);

void ahnd(int sig)
	printf("No mesg\n");

void clnt(char **args)
	int sock, bron = 1;
	unsigned long tips, secs;
	char pass[2048], mesg[2048], temp[2048], sarp[2048];
	socklen_t slen;
	struct sockaddr_in cobj;
	//char *brod = "";
	//signal(SIGALRM, ahnd);
	struct sigaction sact = { .sa_handler = ahnd, .sa_flags = 0 };
	sigaction(SIGALRM, &sact, NULL);
	bzero(pass, 2048 * sizeof(char));
	fgets(pass, 1024, stdin);
	strp(pass, strlen(pass));
	while (1)
		char *iadr = gnet(args[2], 'i'), *madr = gnet(args[2], 'm'), *badr = gnet(args[2], 'b');
		sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
		setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &bron, sizeof(bron));
		cobj.sin_family = AF_INET;
		cobj.sin_port = htons(31337);
		inet_aton(badr, (struct in_addr *)&cobj.sin_addr.s_addr);
		bzero(mesg, 2048 * sizeof(char));
		snprintf(mesg, 1024 * sizeof(char), "%s %s", iadr, madr);
		secs = time(NULL);
		sign(mesg, 2048, secs, pass);
		sendto(sock, mesg, strlen(mesg) * sizeof(char), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&cobj, sizeof(cobj));
		printf("Sent mesg %s with socket %d to %s\n", mesg, sock, badr);
		slen = sizeof(cobj);
		bzero(mesg, 2048 * sizeof(char));
		recvfrom(sock, mesg, 1024 * sizeof(char), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&cobj, &slen);
		strp(mesg, strlen(mesg));
		char *hptr = strrchr(mesg, ' '); if (hptr != NULL) { *hptr = '\0'; ++hptr; }
		char *tptr = strrchr(mesg, ' '); if (tptr != NULL) { *tptr = '\0'; ++tptr; }
		char *mptr = strrchr(mesg, ' ');
		char *iptr = mesg;
		if ((hptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL) && (mptr != NULL))
			bzero(temp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
			strcpy(temp, mesg);
			tips = atoi(tptr);
			*mptr = '\0'; ++mptr;
			if (vrfy(temp, 2048, pass, hptr, time(NULL) - 5, tips, secs) == 0)
				safe(iptr); safe(mptr);
				bzero(sarp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
				snprintf(sarp, 1024 * sizeof(char), "arp -d '%s'", iptr);
				printf("exec=[%s]\n", sarp);
				bzero(sarp, 2048 * sizeof(char));
				snprintf(sarp, 1024 * sizeof(char), "arp -s '%s' '%s'", iptr, mptr);
				printf("exec=[%s]\n", sarp);
				temp[30] = '\0';
				//printf("erro=[vrfy: (%s...) (%s) (%s) (%ld) (%ld)]\n", temp, pass, hptr, tips, secs);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (strcmp(argv[1], "s") == 0)
	if (strcmp(argv[1], "c") == 0)
	return 0;


#define SHA256_LENGTH 32

#define uchar unsigned char // 8-bit byte
#define uint unsigned int // 32-bit word

// DBL_INT_ADD treats two unsigned ints a and b as one 64-bit integer and adds c to it
#define DBL_INT_ADD(a,b,c) if (a > 0xffffffff - (c)) ++b; a += c;
#define ROTLEFT(a,b) (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (32-(b))))
#define ROTRIGHT(a,b) (((a) >> (b)) | ((a) << (32-(b))))

#define CH(x,y,z) (((x) & (y)) ^ (~(x) & (z)))
#define MAJ(x,y,z) (((x) & (y)) ^ ((x) & (z)) ^ ((y) & (z)))
#define EP0(x) (ROTRIGHT(x,2) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,13) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,22))
#define EP1(x) (ROTRIGHT(x,6) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,11) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,25))
#define SIG0(x) (ROTRIGHT(x,7) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,18) ^ ((x) >> 3))
#define SIG1(x) (ROTRIGHT(x,17) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,19) ^ ((x) >> 10))

typedef struct {
   uchar data[64];
   uint datalen;
   uint bitlen[2];
   uint state[8];
} SHA256_CTX;

uint k[64] = {

void SHA256_TRANSFORM(SHA256_CTX *ctx, uchar data[])
   uint a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,t1,t2,m[64];

   for (i=0,j=0; i < 16; ++i, j += 4)
      m[i] = (data[j] << 24) | (data[j+1] << 16) | (data[j+2] << 8) | (data[j+3]);
   for ( ; i < 64; ++i)
      m[i] = SIG1(m[i-2]) + m[i-7] + SIG0(m[i-15]) + m[i-16];

   a = ctx->state[0];
   b = ctx->state[1];
   c = ctx->state[2];
   d = ctx->state[3];
   e = ctx->state[4];
   f = ctx->state[5];
   g = ctx->state[6];
   h = ctx->state[7];

   for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
      t1 = h + EP1(e) + CH(e,f,g) + k[i] + m[i];
      t2 = EP0(a) + MAJ(a,b,c);
      h = g;
      g = f;
      f = e;
      e = d + t1;
      d = c;
      c = b;
      b = a;
      a = t1 + t2;

   ctx->state[0] += a;
   ctx->state[1] += b;
   ctx->state[2] += c;
   ctx->state[3] += d;
   ctx->state[4] += e;
   ctx->state[5] += f;
   ctx->state[6] += g;
   ctx->state[7] += h;

void SHA256_INIT(SHA256_CTX *ctx)
   ctx->datalen = 0;
   ctx->bitlen[0] = 0;
   ctx->bitlen[1] = 0;
   ctx->state[0] = 0x6a09e667;
   ctx->state[1] = 0xbb67ae85;
   ctx->state[2] = 0x3c6ef372;
   ctx->state[3] = 0xa54ff53a;
   ctx->state[4] = 0x510e527f;
   ctx->state[5] = 0x9b05688c;
   ctx->state[6] = 0x1f83d9ab;
   ctx->state[7] = 0x5be0cd19;

void SHA256_UPDATE(SHA256_CTX *ctx, uchar data[], uint len)
   uint i;

   for (i=0; i < len; ++i) {
      ctx->data[ctx->datalen] = data[i];
      if (ctx->datalen == 64) {
         ctx->datalen = 0;

void SHA256_FINAL(SHA256_CTX *ctx, uchar hash[])
   uint i;

   i = ctx->datalen;

   // Pad whatever data is left in the buffer.
   if (ctx->datalen < 56) {
      ctx->data[i++] = 0x80;
      while (i < 56)
         ctx->data[i++] = 0x00;
   else {
      ctx->data[i++] = 0x80;
      while (i < 64)
         ctx->data[i++] = 0x00;

   // Append to the padding the total message's length in bits and transform.
   DBL_INT_ADD(ctx->bitlen[0],ctx->bitlen[1],ctx->datalen * 8);
   ctx->data[63] = ctx->bitlen[0];
   ctx->data[62] = ctx->bitlen[0] >> 8;
   ctx->data[61] = ctx->bitlen[0] >> 16;
   ctx->data[60] = ctx->bitlen[0] >> 24;
   ctx->data[59] = ctx->bitlen[1];
   ctx->data[58] = ctx->bitlen[1] >> 8;
   ctx->data[57] = ctx->bitlen[1] >> 16;
   ctx->data[56] = ctx->bitlen[1] >> 24;

   // Since this implementation uses little endian byte ordering and SHA uses big endian,
   // reverse all the bytes when copying the final state to the output hash.
   for (i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
      hash[i]    = (ctx->state[0] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+4]  = (ctx->state[1] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+8]  = (ctx->state[2] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+12] = (ctx->state[3] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+16] = (ctx->state[4] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+20] = (ctx->state[5] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+24] = (ctx->state[6] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;
      hash[i+28] = (ctx->state[7] >> (24-i*8)) & 0x000000ff;

First post from California!

Well, I just relocated to California to start a new career for a well known & respected tech company. Everything so far has been great (weather, people, food, work) except for one thing, the cost of living! I thought people were kinda joking when they warned me but it’s absolutely insane out here. If you take the Americana Apartments for example, they quoted their lowest 1 bedroom for $2480 per month. The representative said that in order to qualify, you must earn 3x that amount in monthly salary (before taxes of course). So let’s see, the minimum yearly wage must be at least, $2480 * 3x * 12m = $89,280! (let’s call it 90 even with utilities, electric, water, garbage, insurance, etc). In addition, in order to reserve a place, you must put down: first ($2480), last ($2480), deposit ($500), utilities ($125), insurance ($20), a bed, internet, etc… which comes out to be over $5,600 of initial payment.

I’m finding it really hard to find places which aren’t built like resorts (pools, hot tubs, lounge chairs, ping pong tables, pool tables, rec rooms, common areas, bars, etc.) and places which aren’t in rough areas, old buildings, poorly maintained, etc. There doesn’t seem to be much middle ground available unless you spend your whole day looking around at every possible option.

Anyway, I guess at the end of the day I’m lucky to be where I am but yeah, it’s kinda crazy out here to be honest! Hopefully I can get back to some useful open source coding again once I get settled in. 🙂

Still Attempting For Good End-To-End Encryption For Gmail (it’s taking time tho)

Don’t trust web based secure email, one cannot verify if the delivery of a web page has been modified or not given today’s tools. A powerful adversary could MITM an HTTPS connection with a valid, signed CA cert and there are no tools today which can provably validate that the integrity of a web page has not been modified since it left the server and entered your browser. I’m trying to work on a client based solution compatible with Gmail but it’s taking me time, I keep getting distracted by other things going on. Anyway, here’s a random post in case I need a fast stream cipher similar to ARC4 but with better security.

ChaCha Python

import hashlib
class chacha:
	def p(self, a, i):
		return ((ord(a[i]) << 24) + (ord(a[i+1]) << 16) + (ord(a[i+2]) << 8) + ord(a[i+3]))
	def r(self, a, n):
		return ((a << n) & 0xffffffff) | (a >> (32 - n))
	def z(self, a, b):
		return ((a + b) & 0xffffffff)
	def u(self, m, x, k, y):
		c = ""
		for i in range(0, 4):
			c += chr(ord(m[x+i]) ^ ((k[y] >> (i*8)) & 0xff))
		return c
	def __init__(self, k, r=20): = [0x61707865, 0x3120646e, 0x79622d36, 0x6b206574] = [0x61707865, 0x3320646e, 0x79622d32, 0x6b206574] = r
		l = len(k)
		if (l == 16):
			self.skey = [[0],[1],[2],[3],
				self.p(k, 0), self.p(k, 4), self.p(k, 8), self.p(k, 12),
				self.p(k, 0), self.p(k, 4), self.p(k, 8), self.p(k, 12),
				0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
		if (l == 32):
			self.skey = [[0],[1],[2],[3],
				self.p(k,  0), self.p(k,  4), self.p(k,  8), self.p(k, 12),
				self.p(k, 16), self.p(k, 20), self.p(k, 24), self.p(k, 28),
				0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
	def qrrd(self, x, a, b, c, d):
		x[a] = self.z(x[a], x[b]); x[d] = (x[d] ^ x[a]); x[d] = self.r(x[d], 16)
		x[c] = self.z(x[c], x[d]); x[b] = (x[b] ^ x[c]); x[b] = self.r(x[b], 12)
		x[a] = self.z(x[a], x[b]); x[d] = (x[d] ^ x[a]); x[d] = self.r(x[d],  8)
		x[c] = self.z(x[c], x[d]); x[b] = (x[b] ^ x[c]); x[b] = self.r(x[b],  7)
		return x
	def core(self):
		x = self.skey[:]
		for r in range(0, / 2):
			x = self.qrrd(x, 0, 4,  8, 12)
			x = self.qrrd(x, 1, 5,  9, 13)
			x = self.qrrd(x, 2, 6, 10, 14)
			x = self.qrrd(x, 3, 7, 11, 15)
			# rows vs cols
			x = self.qrrd(x, 0, 5, 10, 15)
			x = self.qrrd(x, 1, 6, 11, 12)
			x = self.qrrd(x, 2, 7,  8, 13)
			x = self.qrrd(x, 3, 4,  9, 14)
		for i in range(0, 16):
			x[i] = self.z(x[i], self.skey[i])
		return x
	def cipher(self, m):
		while ((len(m) % 64) != 0):
			m += chr(0)
		i = 0; l = len(m)
		o = ""
		while ((i + 63) < l):
			s = self.core()
			j = 0
			while ((j + 3) < 64):
				o += self.u(m, j, s, j / 4)
				j += 4
			self.skey[12] = self.z(self.skey[12], 1)
			if (self.skey[12] == 0):
				self.skey[13] += 1
			i += 64
		return o
c = chacha(hashlib.sha256("abc").digest())
e = c.cipher("def");print("",e)
c = chacha(hashlib.sha256("abc").digest())
d = c.cipher(e);print("",d.strip("\0"))

My Rough/Slow Version Of Daniel J. Bernstein’s Elliptic Curve25519 Used For ECC-DHKE-ElGamal Pub/Pri Key Enc/Dec In Py & JS

Edit: I need to verify the math on the code below and optimize it as much as possible!

The message being encrypted by the public key and decrypted by the private key is [71, 73], as you can see below, in both Python and JavaScript.


point=[31338, 27137639241784266545116051737587625422240160049866585375429726394143891718199] ((y^2)%p)=508712386423338 == curve(x)=508712386423338
pub=[53977350860898987307302427493695333251161207860469554940047122752933735592647, 26210366092361168208973994509836336790598036553932356811338803611050445452207]
& [1445723211146282456267893060679523547963682350054864882998693087748930328718927, 2685102703073507930430754637571136937637097240643254035250750702470189871650545]
mesg=[71, 73]
time=254 ms


<script src="jsbn.js"></script>
<script src="jsbn2.js"></script>
var c = new BigInteger("486662", 10);
var p = new BigInteger("57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819949", 10);
var two = new BigInteger("2", 10);
var three = new BigInteger("3", 10);

function safe_sub(a, p)
	if (a.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0)
		var r = a.abs().divide(p);
		a = a.add(r.multiply(p));
		if (a.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0)
			a = a.add(p);
	return a;

function point_add(q, r, p)
	var ys = safe_sub(q[1].subtract(r[1]), p);
	var xs = safe_sub(q[0].subtract(r[0]), p);
	var s = ys.multiply(xs.modInverse(p)).mod(p);
	var rx = s.modPow(two, p);
	rx = safe_sub(rx.subtract(q[0]), p);
	rx = safe_sub(rx.subtract(r[0]), p);
	var rp = safe_sub(q[0].subtract(rx), p);
	var ry = safe_sub(s.multiply(rp).mod(p).subtract(q[1]), p);
	return [rx, ry];

function point_dub(a, q, p)
	var ttt = three.multiply(q[0].modPow(two, p)).mod(p);
	var tt = two.multiply(q[1]).mod(p);
	var s = ttt.add(a).multiply(tt.modInverse(p)).mod(p);
	tt = two.multiply(q[0]).mod(p);
	var rx = safe_sub(s.modPow(two, p).subtract(tt), p);
	var rp = safe_sub(q[0].subtract(rx), p);
	var ry = safe_sub(s.multiply(rp).mod(p).subtract(q[1]), p);
	return [rx, ry];

function point_mul(n, q, p)
	//if(this.isInfinity()) return this;
	//if(k.signum() == 0) return this.curve.getInfinity();
	var e = n;
	var h = e.multiply(three);
	var neg = [q[0], safe_sub(q[1].negate(), p)];
	var R = q;
	var i;
	for (i = (h.bitLength() - 2); i > 0; --i)
		R = point_dub(BigInteger.ONE, R, p);
		var hBit = h.testBit(i);
		var eBit = e.testBit(i);
		if (hBit != eBit)
			R = point_add(hBit ? q : neg, R, p);
	return R;

function ord_r(r, n)
	var k = three;
	while (1)
		if (n.modPow(k, r).equals(BigInteger.ONE))
			return k;
		k = k.add(BigInteger.ONE);

function ifrexp(x)
	var e = BigInteger.ZERO;
	while (x.mod(two).equals(BigInteger.ZERO))
		x = x.divide(two);
		e = e.add(BigInteger.ONE);
	return [x, e];

function tonelli(a, p)
	var pmo = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
	if (a.modPow(pmo.divide(two), p).equals(pmo))
		return -1;
	var t = ifrexp(pmo);
	var s = t[0], e = t[1];
	var n = two;
	while (n.compareTo(p) < 0)
		if (n.modPow(pmo.divide(two), p).equals(pmo))
		n = n.add(BigInteger.ONE);
	var x = a.modPow(s.add(BigInteger.ONE).divide(two), p);
	var b = a.modPow(s, p);
	var g = n.modPow(s, p);
	var r = e;
	while (1)
		var m = BigInteger.ZERO;
		while (m.compareTo(r) < 0)
			if (ord_r(p, b).equals(two.pow(m)))
			if (m.add(BigInteger.ONE).equals(r))
			m = m.add(BigInteger.ONE);
		if (m.equals(BigInteger.ZERO))
			return x;
		var pmi = two.pow(r.subtract(m).subtract(BigInteger.ONE));
		x = x.multiply(g.modPow(pmi, p)).mod(p);
		pmi = two.pow(r.subtract(m));
		g = g.modPow(pmi, p);
		b = b.multiply(g).mod(p);
		if (b.equals(BigInteger.ONE))
			return x;
		r = m;
	return -1;

function curve_25519(x, p)
	var y2 = x.modPow(three, p).add(c.multiply(x.modPow(two, p))).add(x).mod(p);
	return tonelli(y2, p);

var i = new BigInteger("31337", 10);
var pnt = null
while (pnt == null)
	var q = [i, curve_25519(i, p)];
	if (q[1] == -1)
		i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE);
	var x = q[0].modPow(three, p).add(c.multiply(q[0].modPow(two, p))).add(q[0]).mod(p);
	var y = q[1].modPow(two, p);
	if (x.equals(y))
		pnt = q;
		document.write("point=["+pnt[0].toString(10)+", "+pnt[1].toString(10)+"] ((y^2)%p)="+y.toString(10)+" == "+"curve(x)="+x.toString(10)+"<br>");
	i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE);

var m = new BigInteger("71", 10);
var n = new BigInteger("73", 10);

var nta = new Date().getTime();

var a = new BigInteger("23002347587565544268625339214141417360725798840824195817183950850507406831337", 10);
var aG = point_mul(a, pnt, p);

var b = new BigInteger("33951982198225404751798578318443600923434009233142787987410481710685782131337", 10);
var bG = point_mul(b, pnt, p);
var baG = point_mul(b, aG, p);

var mbaG = [m.multiply(baG[0]), n.multiply(baG[1])];

var abG = point_mul(a, bG, p);

var ntb = new Date().getTime();

document.write("pub=["+bG[0]+", "+bG[1]+"]<br> & ["+mbaG[0]+", "+mbaG[1]+"]<br>"+"mesg=["+mbaG[0].divide(abG[0]).toString(10)+", "+mbaG[1].divide(abG[1]).toString(10)+"]<br>"+"time="+(ntb-nta)+" ms<br>");


('point', [31338, 27137639241784266545116051737587625422240160049866585375429726394143891718199L], 'y^2%p=', 508712386423338L, '==', 'curve(x)', 508712386423338L)
pub=[53977350860898987307302427493695333251161207860469554940047122752933735592647L, 26210366092361168208973994509836336790598036553932356811338803611050445452207L]
 & [1445723211146282456267893060679523547963682350054864882998693087748930328718927L, 2685102703073507930430754637571136937637097240643254035250750702470189871650545L]
mesg=[71, 73]
time=145.143032074 ms


import time

p = (pow(2, 255) - 19)

def egcd(a, b):
	if (a == 0):
		return (b, 0, 1)
		(g, y, x) = egcd(b % a, a)
		return (g, x - (b / a) * y, y)

def inv_mod(a, m):
	(g, x, y) = egcd(a, m)
	if (g != 1):
		return -1
		return (x % m)

def pow_mod(b, e, m):
	r = 1
	b = (b % m)
	while (e > 0):
		if ((e % 2) == 1):
			r = ((r * b) % m)
		e = (e / 2)
		b = ((b * b) % m)
	return r

def safe_sub(a, p):
	if (a < 0):
		a += ((abs(a) / p) * p)
		if (a < 0):
			a += p
	return a

def point_add(q, r, p):
	ys = safe_sub(q[1] - r[1], p)
	xs = safe_sub(q[0] - r[0], p)
	s = ((ys * inv_mod(xs, p)) % p)
	rx = pow_mod(s, 2, p)
	rx = safe_sub(rx - q[0], p)
	rx = safe_sub(rx - r[0], p)
	rp = safe_sub(q[0] - rx, p)
	ry = safe_sub(((s * rp) % p) - q[1], p)
	return [rx, ry]

def point_dub(a, q, p):
	ttt = ((3 * pow_mod(q[0], 2, p)) % p)
	tt = ((2 * q[1]) % p)
	s = (((ttt + a) * inv_mod(tt, p)) % p)
	tt = ((2 * q[0]) % p)
	rx = safe_sub(pow_mod(s, 2, p) - tt, p)
	rp = safe_sub(q[0] - rx, p)
	ry = safe_sub(((s * rp) % p) - q[1], p)
	return [rx, ry]

def zpoint_mul(n, q, p):
	r = q; m = 1
	h = [[m, r]]; l = 1
	while (m < n):
		t = (m * 2)
		if (t <= n):
			r = point_dub(1, r, p); m = t
			h.append([m, r]); l += 1
			x = (l - 1)
			while (x > -1):
				while (m < n):
					t = (m + h[x][0])
					if (t <= n):
						r = point_add(h[x][1], r, p); m = t
				x -= 1
	return r

def bitleng(a):
	b = 0
	while (a > 0):
		a = (a / 2)
		b += 1
	return b

def testbit(a, b):
	if ((a & pow(2, b)) > 0):
		return 1
	return 0

def point_mul(n, q, p):
	#if(this.isInfinity()) return this;
	#if(k.signum() == 0) return this.curve.getInfinity();
	e = n
	h = (e * 3)
	neg = [q[0], safe_sub(-1 * q[1], p)]
	R = q
	i = (bitleng(h) - 2)
	while (i > 0):
		R = point_dub(1, R, p)
		hBit = testbit(h, i)
		eBit = testbit(e, i)
		if (hBit != eBit):
			if (hBit):
				R = point_add(q, R, p)
				R = point_add(neg, R, p)
		i -= 1
	return R

def ord_r(r, n):
	k = 3
	while (1):
		if (pow_mod(n, k, r) == 1):
			return k
		k += 1

def ifrexp(x):
	e = 0
	while ((x % 2) == 0):
		x /= 2
		e += 1
	return (x, e)

def tonelli(a, p):
	if (pow_mod(a, (p - 1) / 2, p) == (p - 1)):
		raise ValueError("no sqrt possible")
	(s, e) = ifrexp(p - 1)
	n = 2
	while (n < p):
		if (pow_mod(n, (p - 1) / 2, p) == (p - 1)):
		n += 1
	x = pow_mod(a, (s + 1) / 2, p)
	b = pow_mod(a, s, p)
	g = pow_mod(n, s, p)
	r = e
	while (1):
		m = 0
		while (m < r):
			if (ord_r(p, b) == pow(2, m)):
			if ((m + 1) == r):
			m += 1
		if (m == 0):
			return x
		x = ((x * pow_mod(g, pow(2, (r - m - 1)), p)) % p)
		g = pow_mod(g, pow(2, (r - m)), p)
		b = ((b * g) % p)
		if (b == 1):
			return x
		r = m
	return -1

def curve_25519(x, p):
	y2 = ((pow_mod(x, 3, p) + (486662 * pow_mod(x, 2, p)) + x) % p)
	return tonelli(y2, p)

i = 31337
pnt = None
while (pnt == None):
		q = [i, curve_25519(i, p)]
		i += 1
	x = ((pow_mod(q[0], 3, p) + (486662 * pow_mod(q[0], 2, p)) + q[0]) % p)
	y = pow_mod(q[1], 2, p)
	if (x == y):
		pnt = q
	i += 1

m = 71; n = 73

x = time.time()

a = 23002347587565544268625339214141417360725798840824195817183950850507406831337
aG = point_mul(a, pnt, p)

b = 33951982198225404751798578318443600923434009233142787987410481710685782131337
bG = point_mul(b, pnt, p)
baG = point_mul(b, aG, p)

mbaG = [m * baG[0], n * baG[1]]

abG = point_mul(a, bG, p)

y = time.time()

print("pub=%s\n & %s\nmesg=[%d, %d]\ntime=%s ms" % (bG, mbaG, mbaG[0] / abG[0], mbaG[1] / abG[1], (y - x) * 1000))

A new project: Secure Email [S-Mail]

So I’ve recently started a new, open-source project called S-Mail. It’s is an attempt to create a standard email service (based on standard postfix/SMTP) but also provide a web front end for secure email delivery. Upon joining, a 2048 bit RSA key pair is generated (via JavaScript) and the private key is encrypted with AES-256-CBC with the SHA256 hash of your password. The server stores your public key, a triple SHA256 hash of your password (so it doesn’t have your encryption key), and your encrypted private key. When an external email is received, it is encrypted with your public key and stored only in that format. When sending a local email, the server sends the recipient’s public key to you so that you can encrypt it locally first before sending it. You can also verify the key identities of the recipients by verifying the little word phrases which summarize your public key.

This service is really lacking features as it is the most basic start of a project possible but I’m attempting to at least develop a basic framework that people could theoretically use to exchange secure messages without having to exchange asymmetric keys. The “key” to making this system work includes choosing a strong passphrase to begin with and verifying a recipient’s key id.

The source code: Fossjon GitHub S-Mail

Below are some screenshots of the service working:



Empty inbox

External SMTP Receive

Inbox Receive

External SMTP Read

External SMTP Send

Reading the external email

Internal SMTP Send

Internal SMTP Read

FreeRadius + PyOTP = My Home Wi-Fi With WPA-EAP-TTLS User/Pass/OTP Auth


  1. Get the sqlite3 command & test the radius login locally to create the DB & OTP
  2. Insert a row into the “server” table with the login/pass of the sending email address
  3. Insert a row into the “login” table with the Wi-Fi login username, $salt$<wpa-pbkdf2(salt,password)>, & email/sms address

That’s it, now you have one time pads being sent to your phone for your home Wi-Fi enterprise login and you simply append those 6 digit numbers to the end of your password. Make sure to turn off your Wi-Fi password saving as well.

Source code can be found here:   [GIT Repo]

vim /etc/freeradius/sites-{available,enabled}/{default,inner-tunnel}

authorize {
    update control {
        Auth-Type := `/usr/bin/python /opt/freeradius/ 86400 %{User-Name} %{User-Password}`

vim /opt/freeradius/ – needs correct freeradius permissions


import crypt
import hashlib
import hmac
import os
import random
import re
import smtplib
import sqlite3
import string
import sys
import time

def sqloexec(sqloobjc, sqlocomd):

def cleanstr(inputstr):
	outpstri = ""
	charlist = (string.digits + string.uppercase + string.lowercase)
	for inputchr in inputstr:
		if (inputchr in charlist):
			outpstri += inputchr
	return outpstri

def pbkdfsha(s, p):
	i = 1; l = ((256 / 8) * 2); d = ""
	while (len(d) < l):
		c = 0; rounds = 4096; f = ""
		lasthmac = (s + chr((i >> 24) & 0xff) + chr((i >> 16) & 0xff) + chr((i >> 8) & 0xff) + chr((i >> 0) & 0xff))
		while (c < rounds):
			u =, lasthmac, hashlib.sha1).digest()
			lasthmac = u
			t = ""
			for x in range(0, len(u)):
				if (x >= len(f)):
					f += chr(0)
				t += chr(ord(f[x]) ^ ord(u[x]))
			f = t
			c += 1
		for j in f:
			q = ""
			if (ord(j) < 0x10):
				q = "0"
			if (len(d) < l):
				h = hex(ord(j))
				d += (q + h[2:])
		i += 1
	return d

denystri = "Reject"
authstri = "Accept"

mailuser = ""
mailpass = ""

expstime = int(sys.argv[1])
username = cleanstr(sys.argv[2])
userpass = sys.argv[3]
usercode = ""
regxobjc = re.match("^(.*[^0-9])([0-9]+)$", userpass)
if (regxobjc):
	userpass = str(
	usercode = str(
usermail = [""]
mailcode = ""

sqloconn = sqlite3.connect("/opt/freeradius/freeauth.db")
sqlocurs = sqloconn.cursor()

sqloexec(sqlocurs, "CREATE TABLE server (user TEXT, pass TEXT);")
sqloexec(sqlocurs, "CREATE TABLE login (user TEXT, pass TEXT, mail TEXT);")
sqloexec(sqlocurs, "CREATE TABLE token (loginuser TEXT, code TEXT, time INTEGER, exps INTEGER);")

for sqlorowo in sqlocurs.execute("SELECT * FROM server;"):
	mailuser = str(sqlorowo[0])
	mailpass = str(sqlorowo[1])

authflag = 0
for sqlorowo in sqlocurs.execute("SELECT * FROM login WHERE user = '" + username + "';"):
	sqlohash = str(sqlorowo[1])
	sqlomail = str(sqlorowo[2])
	sqloinfo = sqlohash.split("$")
	if (sqloinfo[2] == pbkdfsha(sqloinfo[1], userpass)):
		authflag = 1
		usermail[0] = sqlomail

if (authflag != 1):

prestime = int(time.time())
sqlocurs.execute("DELETE FROM token WHERE loginuser = '" + username + "' AND (" + str(prestime) + " - time) >= exps;")

authflag = 0
timelist = []
for sqlorowo in sqlocurs.execute("SELECT * FROM token WHERE loginuser = '" + username + "';"):
	sqlocode = str(sqlorowo[1])
	sqlotime = int(sqlorowo[2])
	if (sqlocode == usercode):
		authflag = 1

if (authflag == 1):

sendcode = 0
if (len(timelist) >= 1):
	if ((prestime - timelist[-1]) >= 60):
		sendcode = 1
	sendcode = 1

if (sendcode == 1):
	for x in range(0, 6):
		mailcode += str(random.randint(0, 9))
	sqlocurs.execute("INSERT INTO token VALUES ('" + username + "', '" + mailcode + "', " + str(prestime) + ", " + str(expstime) + ");")

if ((mailuser != "") and (mailpass != "") and (usermail[0] != "") and (mailcode != "")):
	mailmesg = "\r\n".join([
		"From: " + mailuser,
		"To: " + usermail[0],
		"Subject: Code = " + mailcode,
		"OTP Auth Delivery"
	server = smtplib.SMTP("")
	server.login(mailuser, mailpass)
	server.sendmail(mailuser, usermail, mailmesg)


…and!… a SSH PAM OTP too:


gcc -fPIC -DPIC -shared -rdynamic -o sshdauth.c
cp -fv /lib/`uname -m`-linux-gnu/security/

vim /etc/pam.d/sshd
auth required

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
UsePAM yes
UsePrivilegeSeparation no
PasswordAuthentication yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <security/pam_appl.h>
#include <security/pam_modules.h>

int pam_sm_setcred(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags, int argc, const char *argv[]) { return PAM_SUCCESS; }

int pam_sm_authenticate(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags, int argc, const char **argv)
	int pame = 0;
	const char *umsg = "Username: ", *pmsg = "Password: ", *cmsg = "Passcode: ";
	const char *user = NULL, *pass = NULL, *code = NULL;
	struct pam_conv *conv;
	struct pam_message mesg;
	struct pam_response *resp;
	const struct pam_message *msgp;
	int link[2];
	char data[96], auth[2048];
	pid_t pidn;
	/* pam setup */
	pame = pam_get_user(pamh, &user, NULL);
	if ((pame != PAM_SUCCESS) || (user == NULL))
		return PAM_AUTH_ERR;
	pame = pam_get_authtok(pamh, PAM_AUTHTOK, (const char **)&pass, NULL);
	if (pame != PAM_SUCCESS)
		return PAM_AUTH_ERR;
	if (fork() == 0)
		execl("/usr/bin/python", "python", "/opt/freeradius/", "120", user, pass, NULL);
	pame = pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_CONV, (const void **)&conv);
	if (pame != PAM_SUCCESS)
		return PAM_AUTH_ERR;
	//mesg.msg_style = PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF;
	mesg.msg_style = PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON;
	mesg.msg = cmsg;
	msgp = &mesg;
	resp = NULL;
	pame = (*conv->conv)(1, &msgp, &resp, conv->appdata_ptr);
	if ((pame != PAM_SUCCESS) || (resp == NULL))
		return PAM_AUTH_ERR;
	code = resp->resp;
	/* auth check */
	if (pipe(link) == -1)
		return PAM_AUTH_ERR;
	pidn = fork();
	if (pidn == -1)
		return PAM_AUTH_ERR;
	if (pidn == 0)
		dup2(link[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
		bzero(auth, 2046 * sizeof(char));
		strncpy(auth, pass, 256);
		strncpy(auth + strlen(auth), code, 256);
		execl("/usr/bin/python", "python", "/opt/freeradius/", "120", user, auth, NULL);
	bzero(data, 94 * sizeof(char));
	read(link[0], data, 92 * sizeof(char));
	if (strcmp(data, "Accept") == 0)
		return PAM_SUCCESS;
	return PAM_AUTH_ERR;