End Of Summer — Improving Online Dating!

So my friends have been encouraging me to try and meet new people on the Internet through some various online dating sites. Creating a profile was a good start but I quickly found myself getting really distracted by all the profile pictures when I should be reading the profile text instead. I decided to create a simple little grease-monkey script to remove all of the pics on the site and therefore force me to read one’s profile instead. Here’s the result:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        okcp
// @namespace   gm-dev
// @include     http://www.okcupid.com/*
// @version     1
// ==/UserScript==

var pics = document.getElementsByTagName("img");

for (var pici in pics)
		var wide = pics[pici].width;
		var high = pics[pici].height;
		pics[pici].src = "";
		pics[pici].onmouseover = "";
		pics[pici].width = wide;
		pics[pici].height = high;
		console.log("pic error?");

var side = document.getElementById("left_bar");

if (side)
	side.style.width = "200px";

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