Seneca Research Papers

During my time at Seneca, I had the chance to explore pretty much any topic related to my program (Informatics and Security). Given that I do enjoy messing around with code, even though I’m not a programmer, I was able to choose topics that captured my true interests related to computers: security, crypto, coding and networking. Here are two of the papers I wrote during my time at Seneca College.

Summer Research Paper: Building a Vulnerable Website to Inspire a Hacker Mindset
Tags: CSS / HTML / JavaScript / PHP / C / Assembly

Final Bachelor Thesis: Implementing Cryptographic Algorithms to Achieve Secure LAN Communication
Tags: C / Curses / DHKE / ARC4 / SHA256 / HMAC / GMP / UDP

Anyway, I just thought I’d publish them just in case anyone is bored and would like to read some of the work I did throughout my 4 years here. Thanks for reading my blog as always!

Jon Chiappetta

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