[arm-koji] Modified Hosts Page In PHP

So the other day, I published some JS code to change the look of the ARM-Koji Hosts page. It assumed that each client’s time was set to Eastern time zone settings (really very bad practice!). Since I have access to a PHP-based Apache server, I wanted to see how many lines it took me to implement the same.

	# get the koji host-status web page
	$u = "http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/hosts";
	$hostpage = file_get_contents($u);
	$hostpage = str_replace("\t", "", $hostpage);
	$hostpage = str_replace("\r", "", $hostpage);
	$hostpage = str_replace("\n", "", $hostpage);
	# prep the page to be processed for host names and times
	$tabldata = $hostpage;
	$tabldata = str_replace("<tr", "\n<tr", $tabldata);
	$tabldata = str_replace("</tr>", "</tr>\n", $tabldata);
	$tabldata = explode("\n", $tabldata);
	# store the host names and times in a new list
	$hostlist = array();
	$begindex = -1;
	for ($x = 0; $x < count($tabldata); $x += 1)
		if (preg_match("/^.*<a href=\"hostinfo\?hostID=([0-9]+)\">([^<]+)<\/a>.*>([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*$/", $tabldata[$x], $machlist))
			$hosttime = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $machlist[3]);
			$templist = array(0, $machlist[1], $machlist[2], $machlist[3], $hosttime);
			array_push($hostlist, $templist);
		if (preg_match("/^.*<a href=\"hostinfo\?hostID=[0-9]+\">[^<]+<\/a>.*$/", $tabldata[$x]))
			$begindex = $x;
			$tabldata[$x] = "";
	# loop thru the list and mark/sort the ones that up/down
	$timesecs = time();
	$utcsdate = gmdate("YmdHis", $timesecs);
	$utcstime = (intval($utcsdate) - (15 * 60));
	for ($x = 0; $x < count($hostlist); $x += 1)
		if (intval($hostlist[$x][4]) <= $utcstime)
			$hostlist[$x][0] = 0;
			$hostlist[$x][2] = ("<b><font color='red'>".$hostlist[$x][2]."</font></b>");
			$hostlist[$x][0] = 1;
			$hostlist[$x][2] = ("<b><font color='green'>".$hostlist[$x][2]."</font></b>");
	$headlist = array("row-odd", "row-even");
	for ($x = 0; $x < count($hostlist); $x += 1)
		$c = $headlist[$x % 2];
		$i = $hostlist[$x][1];
		$n = $hostlist[$x][2];
		$t = $hostlist[$x][3];
		$tabldata[$begindex] .= ("<tr class='".$c."'><td>".$i."</td><td><a href='".$u."/hostinfo?hostID=".$i."'>".$n."</a></td><td>.</td><td>.</td><td>.</td><td>".$t."</td></tr>\n");
	echo (join("\n", $tabldata)."\n");

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