Bash Login Script To Auto Add Your SSH Agent/Key


mkdir -p $FOLDIR/shell > /dev/null 2>&1
. $FOLDIR/shell/cmds.$(hostname -s) > /dev/null 2>&1
sshcheck=$(ssh-add -l 2>&1 | grep -i '^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9 ]')
if [ "$sshcheck" == "" ]
	mkdir -p $FOLDIR/sock > /dev/null 2>&1
	rm -frv $FOLDIR/sock/agent.$(hostname -s) > /dev/null 2>&1
	killall -9 ssh-agent > /dev/null 2>&1
	ssh-agent -a $FOLDIR/sock/agent.$(hostname -s) > $FOLDIR/shell/cmds.$(hostname -s)
	. $FOLDIR/shell/cmds.$(hostname -s) > /dev/null 2>&1

Description of the script above (nfs friendly):
* Attempt to run the last ssh-agent export commands and check for valid keys with the ssh-add command
* If nothing exists then kill any current ssh-agent processes and save a new set of ssh-agent export commands
* Run the current set of ssh-agent export commands and add the default ssh key with ssh-add

Scripting JS Against PHPLDAPAdmin

Just a lame script to find any attributes for a given objectClass which are not used by any other objectClasses:

var a="";
var l=document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i in l)
	try { var m=l[i].getElementsByTagName("a"); }
	catch(e) { var m=[]; }
	if (m.length == 1)
		try { var z=l[i].innerHTML.match(/^.*Used.*by.*objectClasses.*User.*Authorization.*$/); }
		catch(e) { var z=0; }
		if (z)
			var p=l[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].getElementsByTagName("a");
			a += ("\""+p[0].innerHTML+"\", ");

Some Simple Automation Finally

Yesterday I got to starting a new script which could help Afilias with the automation of adding a new user to all of the systems and services they run here. There are a lot of steps involved and many systems but Python should be able to handle it since it has a great module/library collection. Anyway, sorry for all of the non-tech posts but it’s my first week here and I believe the work is kept private (for internal use only). Once I get more comfortable, I could probably publish some of my work towards any open-source projects if possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

Still Learning! [Continued]

So yesterday I got to editing NIS passwd/group (being deprecated) files so we can add a new user and then used that information to convert it over into LDAP format. I also got into to writing a little bot that attempts to monitor some of our servers by SSH’ing into them and watching some log files and then reporting back to IRC mostly via Python. I’m excited for any new projects that come my way along with reading about new technologies that I’m unfamiliar with! I’m also noticing that some of our ticket processing steps (SOP guided) could use some more automation along with translating some older scripts to a common language in a common place ๐Ÿ™‚

Learning New Concepts!

So yesterday I went through the process of removing/disabling a user from all of the systems/services we use here at Afilias. It’s a multi-step procedure and I could look into automating it a bit more with Python. In addition, I did some reading up on LDAP modify/search via the command line as well as Kerberos *princ commands. I have a lot to learn still but I’m trying my best to catch up ๐Ÿ™‚

Random Last Minute File Cleanup

Just found a little script I used to rename my music files based on their ID3 tag info.

ls | while read s
	i=`exiftool "$s" | sed -e 's@[/?]@_@g'`
	a=`echo "$i" | grep '^Artist [ ]*:' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*:[ ]*//'`
	t=`echo "$i" | grep '^Title [ ]*:' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*:[ ]*//'`
	n=`echo "$i" | grep '^Track [ ]*:' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*:[ ]*//' -e 's/_.*$//'`
	if [ "$n" == "" ]
	f=`echo "$i" | grep '^File Type [ ]*:' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*:[ ]*//' -e 's/^.*_//' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
	z="$a - $t - $n.$f"
	if [ "$s" != "$z" ]
		if [ ! -f "$z" ]
			mv -fv "$s" "$z"

Final Seneca Blog Post (But Hopefully Not The Last!)

So my time as a Research Assistant @ Seneca College is coming to an end. It’s been a long time, (over 2 years!), and I’m glad that the higher ups here decided to keep me around for soo long. I’ve learned a lot during my years that I thought I guess I’d share:

* Thank you Seneca College for hiring me!
    * and giving me the freedom to choose my own work/projects/hours
    * and providing paid funding for trips/food/hotels
    * and allowing me to gain experience/contacts/reputation

* Don’t directly modify software which is currently in use
    * Instead submit patches upstream to have your changes made official!

* It’s hard to see instant results when first going to the gym
    * I’m fairly skinny so it didn’t help to begin with ๐Ÿ™‚

* I met my first girl friend randomly at a conference which I had to attend for work purposes
    * Getting up at 4am on the weekend sucked but I got something amazing out of it!

* I used to hate social media services like blogs or twitter but they actually helped make a name for myself
    * Googling my name before returned no results which can be just as bad as negative results…

* Emotion/tone is often lost in online conversation with services like email or IRC
    * So don’t assume others are being mean by default if you’re ever unsure

* Stay calm if you’re arguing with another employee with differing view points
    * Sometimes these view points are more philosophically different rather than technical so it’s harder to convince others or learn from them
    * Keep an open mind set so you can learn new things and/or change your own view points
    * The reason for change may not be immediately clear to you until much later on down the road
    * Be patient when teaching others, regardless of their experience level

I think that’s about it for now, I’ll update this post if I can think of more later,
Thanks again to my friends and Seneca and Chris Tyler/Dawn Mercer for supporting me here,

– Jon Chiappetta

Edit: If you’re like me and you don’t enjoy having your entire life monitored and recorded by the NSA, a good site for app replacements can be found here:

Pidora 18 (Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix) Release

Pidora 18 (Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix) Release

We're excited to announce the release of Pidora 18 -- 
an optimized Fedora Remix for the Raspberry Pi. 
It is based on a brand new build of Fedora for the ARMv6 
architecture with greater speed and includes packages 
from the Fedora 18 package set.

* * *

There are some interesting new features we'd like to highlight: 
* Almost all of the Fedora 18 package set available via yum 
    (thousands of packages were built from the official Fedora 
    repository and made available online)
* Compiled specifically to take advantage of the hardware already 
    built into the Raspberry Pi
* Graphical firstboot configuration (with additional modules 
    specifically made for the Raspberry Pi)
* Compact initial image size (for fast downloads) and auto-resize 
    (for maximum storage afterwards)
* Auto swap creation available to allow for larger memory usage
* C, Python, & Perl programming languages available & included 
    in the SD card image
* Initial release of headless mode can be used with setups 
    lacking a monitor or display
* IP address information can be read over the speakers and 
    flashed with the LED light
* For graphical operation, Gedit text editor can be used with 
    plugins (python console, file manager, syntax highlighting) 
    to serve as a mini-graphical IDE
* For console operation, easy-to-use text editors are included 
    (nled, nano, vi) plus Midnight Commander for file management
* Includes libraries capable of supporting external hardware 
    such as motors and robotics (via GPIO, I2C, SPI)

* * *

For further documentation, downloads, faq's, read-me's, 
    how-to's, tutorials, or videos: 
* * * Pidora 18 is a Fedora Remix -- a combination of software packages from the Fedora Project with other software. The Fedora Project is a global community of contributors working to advance open source software. For more information or to join the Fedora Project, see Pidora is a project of the Seneca Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT). To connect with CDOT, please visit The Raspberry Pi is a small, inexpensive computer board designed to provoke curiosity and experimentation in programming and computer electronics. For more information, see the Raspberry Pi Foundation website at * * * - - - The CDOT team at Seneca College

Convert a really big hex string into a decimal string using bash & bc

x=1 ; m=1 ; n=0 ; while true ; do h=`cat /tmp/prime.txt | tr -d ' \t\r\n' | rev | cut -c $x | sed -e 's/A/10/' -e 's/B/11/' -e 's/C/12/' -e 's/D/13/' -e 's/E/14/' -e 's/F/15/'` ; if [ "$h" == "" ] ; then break ; fi ; n=`echo "$n + ($h * $m)" | bc` ; m=`echo "$m * 16" | bc` ; x=`echo "$x + 1" | bc` ; done ; n=`echo "$n" | tr -d ' \t\r\n' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` ; echo "$n"

Edit: Random self plug –

Generating A GUI Windows EXE From A Python Script

# exes: python-2.7-x32, pyqt4-2.7-x32, py2exe-2.7-x32
# run: cd C:\Users\admin\Desktop\fedora-arm-installer
# files:, MSVCP90.dll
# run: C:\Python27\python.exe py2exe

import sys,os
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

os.system("rd /s /q .\\build")
os.system("rd /s /q .\\dist")
os.system("rd /s /q .\\fedora-arm-installer-0.0.0-0.x32")

for l in a.readlines():
 m = l
 m = m.replace("sys.stderr","#sys.stderr")
 m = m.replace("proglist.append(progcomd)","proglist.append(re.sub('fedora-arm-installer-2.exe$','helper.exe',progcomd))")

os.system("copy fedora-arm-installer-2 helper /y")

setup(console=['helper'], options={"py2exe":{"includes":["sip"]}})
setup(windows=['fedora-arm-installer-2'], options={"py2exe":{"includes":["sip"]}})

os.system("md .\\dist\\data")
os.system("xcopy .\\data .\\dist\\data")
os.system("rename .\\dist fedora-arm-installer-0.0.0-0.x32")

Edit: Updated the script above to remove the command line window

# exes: python-2.7-x32, pyqt4-2.7-x32, py2exe-2.7-x32
# run: cd C:\Users\admin\Desktop\fedora-arm-installer
# files:, MSVCP90.dll
# run: C:\Python27\python.exe py2exe

import sys,os
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

os.system("rd /s /q .\\build")
os.system("rd /s /q .\\dist")

for l in a.readlines():
 m = l.replace("sys.stderr","#sys.stderr")

setup(console=['fedora-arm-installer'], options={"py2exe":{"includes":["sip"]}})
#setup(windows=['fedora-arm-installer-2'], options={"py2exe":{"includes":["sip"]}})

os.system("md .\\dist\\data")
os.system("xcopy .\\data .\\dist\\data")

A Really Basic Koji-Shadow Script

This script will follow the general procedure:
* List the latest tagged (non-inherited) packages from the arch being followed
* Download and import any of the non-arch detected packages
* Sort all missing builds by their creation timestamp and order them to be qued
* Loop thru the missing package list and download and que each build

A simple server-side script to help reduce the size of the Koji sessions table:

pd=$(echo $(date "+%s") - 1800 | bc) ; echo "$pd" ; psql koji -c "delete from sessions where extract(epoch from update_time) < $pd and master != 0;"
while true
	pd=$(echo $(date "+%s") - 1800 | bc) ; echo "$pd" ; psql koji -c "delete from sessions where expired = 't' and extract(epoch from update_time) < $pd;"
	sleep 2400

A simple script to re-que the latest failed build tasks in case of a build-root breakage:

let x="0"
let l="50 * $1"
while [ $x -lt $l ]
	echo "[$x]"
	for t in `curl -sL "$1/koji/tasks?start=${x}&state=failed&view=flat&method=build&order=-completion_time" | grep -Eiv "pcre|libssh|glib2|glibc" | grep -i 'taskinfo.taskID=[0-9]*' | sed -e 's/^.*taskinfo.taskID=\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/g'`
		echo "    [$t]"
		koji -s "$1/kojihub" resubmit --nowait "$t"
	let x="$x + 50"

Source Code (Git Hub)
Source Code (Fedora People)

Syncing iTunes Playlists From Windows 7 To A Nexus 4

* Connect both devices to a common WiFi AP and determine their IP addresses (Windows/Nexus)
* Download a capable SSH/SFTP/SCP server app that also allows you to setup a capable login user (Nexus)
* Download and run “dokan-sshfs” and then connect to and mount the phone as a “U:\” drive (Windows)
* Run the “syncplay.js” wscript below to sync a smart playlist called “recent” to the phone (Windows)

var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
var mainLibrary = iTunesApp.LibrarySource;
var playlists = mainLibrary.Playlists;
var numPlaylists = playlists.Count;
var fileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

while (numPlaylists != 0)
	var currPlaylist = playlists.Item(numPlaylists);
	if (currPlaylist.Name == "recent")
		var playlistTracks = currPlaylist.Tracks;
		var numTracks = playlistTracks.Count;
		WScript.Echo("[" + currPlaylist.Name + ":" + numTracks + "]");
		while (numTracks != 0)
			var sourceTrack = playlistTracks.Item(numTracks);
			var targetTrack = ("U:\\sdcard\\Music\\" + fileSys.GetBaseName(sourceTrack.Location) + "." + fileSys.GetExtensionName(sourceTrack.Location));
			var sourceSize = fileSys.GetFile(sourceTrack.Location).Size;
			var targetSize = 0;
			if (fileSys.FileExists(targetTrack))
				targetSize = fileSys.GetFile(targetTrack).Size;
			//WScript.Echo("[" + sourceTrack.Name + ":" + sourceTrack.Location + ":" + targetTrack + "]");
			if (sourceSize != targetSize)
				fileSys.CopyFile(sourceTrack.Location, targetTrack);
		//add check to remove uneeded songs
		//create a playlist xml file
		//force device refresh